Make Titans Great Again w/ HAW?

I agree that supers/titans shouldn’t be made in bulk, but I think they should exist in game. I think they were extremely fun ever since they began being used (see my previous post).

If supers/titans are so cheap that everyone is flying one, it sort of defeats the purpose. They should be rare and major achievements when destroyed (like the first titan was).

TBH I’m shocked to meet someone who can have a civil conversation as well :rofl: so thanks for that :heart_eyes:

I don’t mean to pester you, but I want to understand why you think that Eve isn’t about ISK wars. Take out RMT, and Eve forces us to put time into earning ISK or mining/building ships and modules. ISK = Time. So when a player puts in 30 minutes of time or 30 days of time to acquire a ship, the 30 day ship needs to be more significant by a large multitude. If it’s not, then everyone will always just do the same ship.

What you seem to advocate for is a Call of Duty style Eve where you have a match, pick your ship from frigate to titan, and we all duke it out. There is no cost to the ship, but a frigate might be able to kill a titan since the titan has no anti-frigate guns.

If Eve didn’t have ISK, I would agree with the counter system. Until Eve drops ISK/mining/manufacturing, I think more expensive = more power. It almost already does in every way except for the titan. No one should mine ore for 1200 hours to build a titan and then have a solo HIC destroy it IMHO.

Just want you to feel comfortable.

Wow… lol. :poop:

No, you’re not pestering me.

Anyway, I do think that player skill, player numbers, SP, and isk should all have an impact on outcomes. I just want player skill to be the biggest determining factor out of all these things. Moreover, I don’t want ship cost to play too big of a role. Like, I think it’s great that players have options when it comes to cost, and how players can chose to “wager more expensive ships” in exchange for more power and/or specialization. What I don’t want, however, is for outcomes to be determined by whoever did the most grinding, or whoever has the most money. That’s just not fun to me. I don’t want to have to do a bunch of grinding to be competitive.

So yeah, ship cost does play a role, and I think it should continue to play a role. I just don’t want it to play what I consider to be too big of a role.

Hopefully, that made sense.


That makes sense and I agree with that. I don’t feel that a titan should be able to kill a 500 man gang. On the other hand, there are youtube videos of solo dreads fighting off 50 subcaps. I think both sides find the content fun and the dread usually loses the is war. Additionally, titans aren’t that hard to kill so I don’t think adding HAW would be a game changer.

Mainly I’d say that more titans will die if HAW is added back.

When titans were 45-50 bil, that was just too cheap. Over time the prices will rise near build cost. HAW titans for 45b is too cheap, but seems more fair now

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