Matari Tattoos On Non Matari

freh they dont ask me bote ships they ask undergrads en practical arts @ caille eyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

lets u n me find somebode to hook us up on a voluve i mean qlf how fuxin hard may it be yget two shots n some chanten ya think real hard: ey don let this bein a one that means everyone haxe me, plz plz not the haten one, plz not one on the ■■■■ ones where i cant talk or be at people n gotta go make a ■■■■ life with ■■■■ people with ■■■■ voluval

not that hard ye? even if its a ■■■■ one itll be fuckin funny, think it


shreg nhit up the patisserie is wat

we doin this


Can I get a universal translator that has whatever the hell language that was encoded in it?


Pour a shot of the strongest booze you got. Set that aside and drink the rest of the bottle and it will start making sense… the shot is so you can have some hair of the dog in the morning.


Mr Tyrson, I’ve drunk myself to death, literally, and I’m sure even then I wouldn’t have understood it.

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Should I be worried that I understood it perfectly and while sober?

There are Voluval ceremonies that happen in Gallente space, ostensibly for the Matari out there. Finding one wouldn’t be the hard part. The hard part would be convincing anyone that it’s a good idea.

And yet, I am also absurdly curious.


If someone wishes to partake in a disrespectful lifestyle that is their choice. They then must deal with the consequences of that disrespect. The same is true in reverse. If you choose to react to someone’s disrespect violently you must deal with the consequences.


So-- on the one hand, that makes a little sense (at least if you believe in free will). On the other, it comes pretty close to being a tautology: “Decisions bring consequences. Consequences are brought by decisions.”


Yes, my point was as simple as decisions have consequences. Both sides of this situation have to weigh the risks of their actions. I suspect that is already the case. It seems unlikely that ignorance is a significant factor here.


As a Matari i would never assume Gallente trappings, but i guess things are different these days. Thankfully i have never seen anything of my clans Tattoos on a gallente, maybe because in the greater things my clan isn’t that special. To anyone but my clan, but if i where to i would certinly have a word.
And letting them know that it’s not ok, perhaps even explaining the tats too them. Also explaining that they are lucky that it is me talking, cause if it had been my grandfather. he would have talked with his fists until there wasn’t much more to be said :slight_smile: .

All that have said your opinions here, i have found enlightening. You have given me a cross section of opnions, eventhough i will not agree with some of you. I will respect how you see things, perhaps even buy you a drink or beer if we cross paths somewhere…


Of course a Caldari would never have a tattoo of any kind. You don’t need a tattoo to know who you are. But it’s interesting that old Earth culture of the peasant class has persisted in New Eden. They’d call it ‘cultural appropriation’. :joy:

Caldari have tattoos.

It’s not for remembering your own name every time you look in the mirror, obviously. It’s the same way soldiers wear their military rank on their uniforms, so that other soldiers immediately know whether they are higher or lower in the hierarchy.

Oh good, another conspiracy theorist.


You did not understand a single thing I said. I’m both amused and saddened.

Do enlighten me.


Are you trying to argue that the art of tattooing, which we cannot even confirm has roots in the very theoretical Terran worlds, and that is practiced across the clusters, is a matter of Matari appropriation?

The discussion here is about whether tattoos and marks specifically used by Matari are being appropriated by Gallente youth. If you want to hypothesize about the origins of tattooing and whether we aren’t paying homage to our supposed predecessors, you should take your strawman elsewhere.


It’s relatively straightforward, Utari, simply read the words phonetically, and kablammo, your brain interprets them as someone speaking a distinct dialect, and it becomes possible to comprehend the overall meaning of the message.

But, I shall endeavour to translate to Amarr Imperial Formal, for your benefit:

(Addressing the general Minmatar membership of the thread)
I appreciate the complicated nature of this issue, however, I feel that a potential solution is as follows:
If the Minmatar tattoo culture was to change, such that the meaningful tattoo imagery was less ornate and artistic, then that would prevent the imagery being appropriated by superficial Gallente dilettantes, as they are attracted to ornate imagery.
A meaningful tattoo still means something even if it is not ornate, surely ?
Is genital tattooing a widespread practice in Minmatar culture ?

(Addressing a specific individual who expressed hesitation at the idea of using Minmatar imagery willy-nilly)
I suggest you are lacking in courage, friend.
(Addressing the wider audience)
Seriously, I hold to my opinion that I expressed earlier. If the tattoos were just a spiritual thing, the tattoo culture holding that the spiritual aspect of tattooing is the most important, and were in no way artistically ornate, then, hypothetically, everyone would know that the tattoos are important for their meaning, and not how they looked.
A rank or other achievement tattoo, could be represented as anything, and mean the same thing, such as the intricate facial tattoos that are common in Minmatar culture, which detail a person’s life achievements.
However, the tattoos are very artistically pleasing, which I do not believe is purely by chance.
And unfortunately, the consequences of ornate tattoos is imitation by people unknowledgeable about the deeper meaning and attracted purely by the artwork.

(Addressing the wider audience)
It is touching to see that across the full range of cultures of the New Eden cluster, that people of all faiths and none, from every walk of life, appear to agree on a common thing, as if this is not questioned at all, it is universal knowlege.
And that thing that everyone agrees on, is that Gallente dilletantism is detrimental as a whole.
(Sarcastically) Why thank you for disparaging my native culture.
(Addressing the wider audience) I intend to get a tattoo that resembles or is indeed, a Voluval mark.
(Collectively addressing the individual Minmatar participating in the thread) If you do not wish for your achievements to be diminished by this stunt, I am open to financial suggestions.

(Addressing a specific individual)
Sir, my opinions on naval architecture are irrelevant, I am not consulted on such matters. From the looks of most Gallente ships, I do declare that they must ask junior art students at the University of Caille for input on the design aesthetics.

Let the two of us find a Voluval practitioner willing to set up the procedure for both of us, since you have expressed an interest in such a thing. From the explanations given by Minmatar people in this thread, of the processes involved, it does not seem to be that arduous a procedure. It appears to be a relatively straightforward pair of injections accompanied by some ritualistic chanting, and you focus your mind while the voluval mark manifests itself.

(Imitating the thought process of someone during their Voluval ceremony)
I hope the mark that manifests is not one that will bring shame upon me, or causes people to hate me. Please let the mark also not be the ones which condemn the afflicted individual to a lifelong vow of silence or solitary confinement, or else be exiled with the rest of the poor people afflicted by the bad Marks.

(Addressing the wider audience)
This does not appear to be that difficult a process. Even if I were to undergo the procedure and receive a bad Mark, it would be amusing. While the Mark of the Slaver Fang is a dire sentence for a real Minmatar, for a person such as myself, the consequences are much less severe. Why, I could simply shrug, and visit a craft bakery and partake in their fine pastries, and shrug off the whole Voluval experience.
I shall proceed with this plan !

See, Utari ? Simple.


This interpretation is by far the best thing I’ve read all day.


I know who i’m contacting next time I need a translator to deal with imperium line members “language barrier” for me.


Back in my time with CO2 (when it was part of cfc) my universal translator was the mute button…


Same in SMA.


Mine still is. 99% of our members have absolutely nothing useful to say, ever. And most of the rest are just jerks.