I was wondering why there is still no Information/Description for those encounter surveillance system Introduced with Rubicon 1.1.
Anyways i guess my question is going above the mechanics explained at the Devblog which introduced the ESS
What i was wondering is if the Math for the rate of the payment increasing for the ESS are known.
I observed that the the average Isk/h for each player who is getting bounty payouts in the system is having a huge effect, e.g. if there is a 20man mining fleet killing some rats in the belt in between, and a pilot who try to stack up his ESS it will take him much longer since he have to compensate the low bountys from the mining fleet, than beeing the only one killing rats in that system.
Moreover it seems a minimum ISK/h rate for the whole system needs to be met to get up to the 105%. A VNI Pilot ratting alone for hours will never get the 105% ?
As written that was just an observation i had, but is there any official statement for the naked formula on that?
A curious Pilot