Measures of success in EVE

/pokes Gadget.

Are you real?

/pokes back

I identify as a meat popsicle.

— Grape flavored Gadget


Glad to see you again :slight_smile:

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Welcome back.

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No Not complain like a spoiled child is a sign of success as is knowing the difference between complaining and complaining like a spoiled child.

It changed the way I see the world, my political thinking and how I relate to people. Because of this I continue to sub as a omega, even if I’m not as active due to rl.


Salt Foambreaker



I am successful if:
I finished a mission
I built my own ship
I mined mercoxit
I completed an abysmal site
I researched a BPO
I invented a t2 BPC
I sold something on the Market.
I made a tier 4 PI item

Joke. Didn’t even mention making a real kill.

I think you missed the point. for some people a real kill as you put it, isn’t part of their game and they still enjoy EVE.

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For some people researching a BPO is not on their list, but you don’t exclude it.

Are you making a PvP vs PvE statement or listing Measures of Success?

I listed a few measures of success based on what newer people joining us had to say. there are many and they include both pvp and pve. I just find it odd that some people seem to think that pvp is the only valid measurement of success in a game that has many facets. between my accounts, I do all of them.


I’ve never seen anyone say that, got a link?

How about all the idiots who post their kills to the forum as if that is some kind of validity, while they pick on those who are not on kill boards.

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Measures of success in Eve -

  1. Surviving and prospering in Eve in spite of the overall environment, be it players or advanced NPC’s.

  2. Wallet and Assets continuing to develop upwards in value. (It is just a measure of success and ability to buy what you want.) Also doing this in areas where rewards are generally low is also a challenge in that you have to seek out more dangerous interesting play, such as Trig invasions.

  3. Having a hanger full of ships for specific jobs.

  4. Being able to master specific content to have fun and make ISK. FOB’s, Trig Invasions for example.

  5. Having a flexible set of characters to do what you want.

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KB posts arent allowed outside of C&P afaik.

What about all the idiots who say “this is the only way to play”, whether its PvE or PvP? Why is only one of those a problem to you?

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I can imagine some people would turn that around to:

Able to do all they want on one character.


I can add that to my list too. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Success means to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women


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Wow - just wow

I think you have missed a couple of important items off your list.

I fail because my attitude to playing a game is completely wrong. If I approach life with the same attitude then I have employed the “victim” card that has at its core, a blame mentality. If I don’t learn that my failures are great learning experiences, my life will not improve.

I fail if I don’t count my friendships and shared experiences as valuable regardless of the state of my pixel world.

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That’s not the same thing.

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