Mercenaries - A good idea?

So how would you like me to modify it to incorporate your gameplay style?

Thank you for your infinite wisdom pilot!

Not use NPCs? Use player mercenaries instead?

But but but… Please :grin:

You asked! :slight_smile:

Well for one… you are dictating which players can use them, and in which situations.

If you want payable Mercs in the game, then don’t you think, given the Eve Universe Lore, that there would be mercs who accept ISK for doing shady stuff. Mercs who are willing to hire up with Pirates, WarDecers, miner bumpers and such like.

You can’t just come out and say only nice players can hire mercs.

Being nice or bad has nothing to do with it. It’s basically for solo out of corp players and haulers.

Who gets Concorded if the mercs misbehave ? or are they to be fixed at Green security ?

You are doing too much. Scrap the entire thread.

Also you can’t avoid being in a corporation, so going by your own limitations no one could ever use these.

Also I didn’t see anything in my quick glance through the long list that would stop gankers from using mercs too.

Gankers always attack first. Please read the initial post to view the key info.

Please read the initial post with the updated info on mercs.

There’s a part about concord involvement.

A few of you are reading too quickly.

No, a fair few of us a reading far enough to realise the entire thing is a farrago of nonsense*, and not bothering to read any further…

  • so much more polite than the ‘load of bollocks’ I initially typed…

You know, it’s wise if you don’t have any counter points to just not reply. Regardless of what your feelings tell you, just saying “no idea bad” isn’t exactly working in your favor.

Perhaps you should read the thread again.

I do wonder if you are trying to make it too complicated.
Would it not be simpler to have a few options, such as mercs on patrol, mercs on defense, or mercs on fleet/formation/wingman duty?
You simply get a merc or however many of them that join your squad and follow broadcasts. Simple, easy and most of the backend is already there.

You would need a way to keep them flying with you, so formations for members in fleet would be a way to resolve that.
This would also be a good way to implement a fleet formation setup, as it stands we have nothing and that’s pretty stupid for a space game.

Fleet mercenaries would affect the game too much I think.

I dunno. I can’t see CCP allowing that much freedom.

Fair enough Kaylee.

I don’t think allowing mercs to join fleets would be a good idea.

He/she has read it.

Maybe you should write in clear, balanced opinions.

I believe it would be more fruitful to incorporate missions into wars for merc backup - as for player mercs pfft usless unless you run hubs. stay away from hubs you never see player mercs.

Incorporate missions into war decing - War Chest LP do missions for x agent get war LP earn enough cash in for support LIKE - npc miners, attack npc miner in belt support come to rescue depending on LP used = support team numbers strength. We have LP for missions and faction wars wouldn’t be hard to make for War Support. So it cant be farmed have the support have no rewards or drops when killed.

This would be for mining in belts or moons.

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