I see u broseph…
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Clan Oshane
I see u broseph…
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Clan Oshane
Need a break from summer join MICX
Sov acquired!
Join us in developing and defending our new territory.
Still looking for miners and those interested in light pvp activity!
New players and bitter vets, all are welcome!
Looking for members of all skill levels! We have space, we have fights, we need warm bodies!
New blood, old blood, all are welcome.
We need miners and pvpers!
to the top!
Still looking for Miners, Industrialists, and those who enjoy small/medium gang pvp!
Always looking for good people!
Miners and aspiring pvpers, come one come all!
To the top
Miners, Manufacturers, part-time pvpers.
All welcome!
Good Corp to join! I’ve been with them for a long time - excellent people to be around with.
Friendly bump!
Bump! Looking for UK, EU and US timezone players to come and join us in all areas of space to explore what New Eden has to offer.