Mining Asteroid, Moon Mining and more

Mining Post 21

I did PI.
I will post it tomorrow.

Mining P21 Edit 1 @ 14:48

Mining P21 Image 1

In the Reverse Order:
Carbon Compounds , Routed to a Basic Industry, with the minimal link to the Command Center, no Launcher, and making Biofuels.
This will then overload the Command Center, which will then require a Launcher, if the POCO tax is manageable on that planet.
I have to verify the POCO tax scheme, as I forgot if it works by systems or planet, although I’m pretty sure the rate is set by planets instead.
Standings can also affect the rate.

This one is on Perimeter I, which is the smallest Barrens of Perimeter.
Smaller planet can mean greater concentration of resources.

Mining P21 Edit 2 @ 20:15

Mining P21 Image 2

Old Moon Mining Equipment.

Mining P21 Image 3

New Planetary Production Interface.

Mining Post 22

Looks like I’m getting ready to do some Ice mining or just regular mining , or moon mining, for until tomorrow.

Mining Post 23

I have a few series of notes on sheets of paper.
One is S1 to S17, each with Verso…
One more is S-1 and S-2.
This one is for a secondary sheet serie.
The 2 files (to begin) are linked (below the end of the page display).

A third PL L 1 , to PL L 4.
This one is for Planetary List as I kept list of planets, their relative distance and data related to them.

A 4th is PI 1 to PI / 4.
This one is for Planetary Interaction.

There seems to be only one 5th series at this time,
indexed serie from T1 for Temperates, as I used them for making P2 to P4.

this first one , here in disorder, is the last one of the first serie.

  • Supertensile Plastics 240
  • Test Cultures 170
  • = - = -
  • Water-Cooled CPU 170
  • Transmitter 295 –
  • = - = -
    [ 54 ]
  • Biocell 110 –
  • Nanites
  • = - = -
  • Bacteria | Microorganisms
    | * Ice
    | * Barren
    | * Temperate
    | * Oceanic

        289k                                             40      [ 10 50
             Res. 3000      |       P1  20 ]          [ 80 ] P2  [   20
      |-- Microorganisms    | 160x Bacteria         (A  B)   Nanites

[ 24000 -±- Base Metals | 160x Reactive Metals (A B) Water-Cooled CPU
|-- Aqueous Liquid | 160x Water B) B) B ] Water-Cooled CPU
_____________________ | 20x
| Non-Cs Crystals | 80x Chiral Structures C) Transmitter
|/- Suspended Plasma | 80x Plasmoids C) x20
|-- Carbon Compounds | 80x Biofuels - E) Biocells
[ 24000 -±- Noble Gas | 80x Oxygen F)20x Supertensile
- Planktic Colonies | 80x Biomass F) Plastics
- Noble Metal | 80x Precious MEtals - E)
\ 10 1
P3 Transcranial Microcontroller 3 [ 6 P4 | Recursive
[ 20] Synthetic Synapses | Computing
Guidance Systems | Module

Records S17V.txt


Water-Cooled CPU

180k for 1 run (or ?) of P4

Recursive Computing Module

Synt. Syn. 1 2 3 2

Guid. Syst. 1 2 3 4 3 2

Water-Cooled CPU 1 2 3 4 5 6
Test Cultures 1 2 3 6 [ Reactive
[ Metal
Biocells 1 2 ------
[ Chiral
Supertensile Plastics 1 2

          - = - = -
           Water, Precious Metal, Bacteria

960 ]
– ] Transfer costs 108K.
1200. ] compare to 180k for command center
Save on - 900 [ 180
cost/launchpad ] = 5.
nothing to do [ Perim x has MU
w/ the tax ] Biomass ]— [ 13869 / 17000
1,200.00 ISK
from ccentre

Records S17V.txt

Mining Post 24

Mining P24 Image 1 : - P 1/2 V

Mining P24 Image 2 : - P 1/2

Mining P24 Image 3 : - PI 1 V

Mining P24 Image 4 : - PI 1

Mining P24 Image 5 : - PL L 1V

Mining P24 Image 6 : - PL L 1

Mining P24 Image 7 : - S1 V

Mining P24 Image 8 : - S-1 V

Mining P24 Image 9 : - S1

Mining P24 Image 10 : - S-1

Mining P24 Image 11 : - S17 V

Mining P24 Image 12 : - S17

Mining Post 25

Mining P25 Image 1 : - PI /3

Mining P25 Image 2 : - PI /3V

Mining Post 26

Mining P26 Image 1 : - PI /4

Mining P26 Image 2 : - PI /4V

Mining P26 Image 3 : - PL L 2

Mining P26 Image 4 : - PL L 2V

Mining P26 Edit 1 @ 22:59:
Mining P26 Image 5 : - PL L 3

Mining P26 Image 6 : - PL L 3V

Mining P26 Edit 2 @ 23:06:
Mining P26 Image 7 : - PL L 4

Mining P26 Image 8 : - PL L 4V

Mining P26 Edit 3 @ 23:15:
Mining P26 Image 9 : - S2

Mining P26 Image 10 : - S2V

Mining Post 27

Mining P27 Image 1 : S-2

Mining P27 Image 2 : S-2V

Mining P27 Image 3 : S3

Mining P27 Image 4 : S3V

Mining P27 Image 5 : S4

Mining P27 Image 6 : S4V

Mining P27 Image 7 : S5

Mining P27 Image 8 : S5V

Mining P27 Image 9 : S6

Mining P27 Image 10 : S6V

Mining P27 Image 11 : S7

Mining P27 Image 12 : S7V

Mining P27 Image 13 : S8

Mining P27 Image 14 : S8V

Mining P27 Image 15 : S9

Mining P27 Image 16 : S9V

Mining P27 Image 17 : S10

Mining P27 Image 18 : S10V

Mining P27 Image 19 : S11

Mining P27 Image 20 : S11V

Mining P27 Image 21 : S12

Mining P27 Image 22 : S12V

Mining P27 Image 23 : S13

Mining P27 Image 24 : S14

Mining P27 Image 25 : S14V

Mining P27 Image 26 : S15

Mining P27 Image 27 : S15V

Mining P27 Image 28 : S16

Mining P27 Image 29 : S16V

Mining P27 Image 30 : T1

Mining Post 28

I will describe the content of the sheets per pages, but I will do it better than the first description was done, because most of the text in the first description is not displaying as intended due to the forum coding with specific symbol formatting and so on…

For the parts that do not convey the same format as intended due to forums systems, I will simply make an image description, and scan it before uploading it to keep the intended format.

Most of the pages are simple, and are notes of the actual work to gather the assets from planets and some details as to the amounts amassed and the layouts of PI.
Anything else will be described per pages, with comparison between pages from analysis.

Are you a doctor?
Great thread! :smiley:

Mining Post 30

Not yet, but my sister is a doctor for over 25 years and she just invested another $125 and wanted to invest more money to renew a forklift certificate, while I was stressing her about the importance of accuracy in terms of contracts to avoid, or lower, or minimize, the risk of errors and problems (such as a contract the employer would fail to fulfill in some ways…).

Additionally, I am going to apply for medical school in psychology although that is easier said than done.
I remember taking the prerequisite for psychology in college for university and it is more complicated than it seems…

As for the information system for the thread , I graduated in systems analysis in 1992 with 99% , after taking a refresher course in early 1993, or 1994 (I think it was before 1994 but I may be wrong, I forgot now, and I would have to verify to make sure it’s the exact time frame).

Believe if or not, I still learn new ways and better methods to organize my older information, and I sometime manage to implement it by updating my older info.

I’m currently working weekdays, and I called in sick today, although I may still go to work later on, around 22:00 EVE time, from 19:00 scheduled time.

(I’m just glad I don’t have to put the information on conveyor belts or in air pressure tubes for now… I used to deliver medical documents in envelopes in a hospital such as cardiac reports, confidential and/or with more security… You don’t want to lose that thing!)

An Arabic and Aramaic (usually European-Indian is not Indo-European…) chemical engineer laboring at the place who left yesterday (5 new workers replace 2 older experience ones…) mentioned about anodes and cathodes to give an idea of how it works.

Edit @ 21:22:
They just cancelled my work there today.
I have to report them to the labour organization due to an injury caused and how it was handled.
It apparently happened from someone they fired and hired back.

1 Like

I only asked because of your atrocious hand writing, but thanks for the insight! :blush:
You remind me of myself with that! Tons of additional info no one asked for!

I really like it! :smiley:
Best thread ever! :smiley:

1 Like

Mining Post 32

Ah, the hand writing, yes, well, if you saw the speed at which it was done, perhaps it would explain why it’s faster than typing because the computer is too slow for that.

Anyways, I will go through the pages and describe what is written on them, as the writing themselves would be hard to understand without proper explanation.
It may likely be for other things than interpreted without the explanations.

On another note, I do have another potential job but that is not guaranteed.

1 Like

Mining Post 33

From Mar 16

  • P 1/2 V for PI 2 V, V for Verso.
    from Mining P24 Image 1
    Keepstar 7RM-
    Fortizar GME staging?
    (Note Added: 7RM- and GME is for null-sec data with Pandemic Horde…)

Medium Merc Min Crystal Op 1 (or something like that)
795k - 2,385 884

Minmat Tec Des 1,099,595 -[ not needed now
Mercox Min Cr 495,997
Mining Eq. Pres. ch. 510,810

52m^3 (for the volume to ship)
in m3, 2 385 884 - 2.4 m
in m3, , 495 997 - - - .5 m
in m3, , 510,810 - - - - .52m
in m3, 1,099,595 - - 1.1 m
______________ 4.52
(those were some of the items required to start mining Mercoxit and to train to mine Mercoxit in null-sec , starting in Venture, and then to a mining Barge…)


Remote Sensing 1, O-Y (or something like that)
7 sys (for 7 systems)
Star Epicenter Beacon

______DZA - J104835 - K346
K162 _ WSV - J233628 - K346
(those are wormholes data which occurred nearby…)

  • P 1/2 (for PI /2)
    from Mining P24 Image 2

P2 10. Coolant 12.3k ,[ Gas or Storm
________________[ _Aqueous Liquid _Water
________________[ Ionic Solutions _ Electrolytes
(10. for the 10th items in the list of values for sale per volume of P2, for Planetary Interaction Products of Level 2, after one level of processing, 12.3k being the sale value compared to the other numbers…)

(I don’t remember where I got the statistical data for the values, but it is likely from a spreadsheet with comparative values.
It is possible that those prices change and that the ranking of the items values change…

Those values don’t take into accounts how those items can be integrated into P3 and P4, and mostly rely on the individual resale value for those.)

  1. Mechanical Parts 11.6k [ Barren or Plasma
    ________________[ _Base Metals _ Reactive Metals
    ________________[ 1. Noble Metals _
    Precious Metals 4

  2. Construction Blocks 11.47k [ Lava or Plasma
    ________________[ _Base Metals _ Reactive Metals
    ________________[ _Heavy Metals _
    Toxic Metals

  3. Biocells 11.41k [ Carbon Compounds _ Biofuels
    ________________[ 1. Noble Metals _
    Precious Metals 4

  4. Water Cooled CPU 10.7k [ Barren or Gas or Storm
    ________________[ Aqueous Liquids _ Water
    ________________[ Base Metals _ Reactive Metals

  5. Rocket Fuel 10.5k [ Storm _ Ionic Solutions _ Electrolytes
    ________________[ Suspended Plasma _ Plasmoids

  6. Viral Agents 10.3k [ Ice or Oceanic
    ________________[ Micro Organism _ Bacteria
    ________________[ 3 Planktic Colonies _ Biomass 6
    (those numbers after the P1 products and Raw Resources, are most likely a number associated with a list of them, so to know where to find them on that list.
    I believe that the list is organized in a ladder format, with spacing implement to convey their respective values…)

  7. Fertilizer 10.2k [ Oceanic or Temperate
    ________________[ _ Complex Organisms _ Proteins
    ________________[ _ Micro Organisms _ Bacteria
    etc… to be continued…

Mining P33 Edit 1 @ 03:43:
18. Genetically Enhanced Livestock 9.8k [ Oceanic _ Complex Organisms
________________[ 3 Planktic Colonies ____ Proteins 5
________________[ __ Biomass 6

  1. Livestock 9k [ Carbon Compounds [ Oceanic or Temperate
    ___________[ _ Biofuels ____________ Complex Organisms _ Proteins 5

  2. Polytextiles 8.2k Temperate [ _ Autotrophes _ Industrial Fibres
    ______________________[ _ Carbon Compounds _ Biofuels

  • PI 1 V
    from Mining P24 Image 3

_ 1
_ 2 _______________ 1 ___ Hideway
_ 3
_ 4
__________________ 2 ___ Burrow
__________________ 3 ___ Refuge
_ 1
_ 2 _______________ 4 ___ Den
_ 3
_ 4
__________________ 5 ___ Yard
_ 1
_ 2 _______________ 6 ___ Rally Point
_ 3
_ 4
__________________ 7 ___ Port
_ 1 Serpentis
_ 2 Serpentis Hidden _ 8 ___ Hub
_ 3 Serpentis Forsaken
_ 4 Serpentis Forlorn
__________________ 9 ___ Haven

__________________ 10 __ Sanctum
( list of “Serpentis” Anomalies by types and relative complexity and/or levels )
_______________ Livestock.

  • PI 1
    from Mining P24 Image 4

P0 Noble Metals ____ 9.12 ______ Gas, Ice, Storm (previously 7.83, 5.30)
__ Reactive Gas ____ 6.00 \ 6.74 _ Gas
__ Planktic Colonies _ 5.60 \ 6.03 _ Ice, Ocean
__ Autotrophes _____ 5.44 \ 7.55 _ Temperate
__ Non-CS Crystal ___ 5.38 \ 6.72 _ Lava, Plasma
__ Felsic Magma ____ 5.26 \ 6.74 _ Lava

P1 __ Silicon ________ 1,107 _ Lava , Felsic Magma 6
____ Chiral Structure __ 937 _ Lava , Plasma / Non_CS Crystal
____ Oxydizing Comp _ 848 _ Gas / Reactive Gas 2
____ Precious Metal ___ 846 _ Barren , Plasma / Noble Metal , 1st
____ Proteins ________ 824 _ Oceanic, Temperate _ Complex Orga.
____ Biomass ________ 815 _ Ice, Oceanic / Planktic Colonies

P2 __ Silicate Glass ______ 18.7 k _ 2 planets _ Gas + Lava
____ Microfiber Shielding _ 17.8 k ____ " ___ Temp + Lava
____ Enriched Uranium ___ 16.7 k _ Plasma (1st) _ Heavy Metals
_______________________________________ + Noble Metals
____ Polyaramids _______ 14.7 k _ 2P _ Temp + Gas __ [ Chiral Struc
____ Transmitter ________ 14.5 k Lava or Plasma 2nd [ Non-CS Cry
__________________________________________/ [ Suspended Plas
6. Consumer Electronics _ _13.4 k _ Lava or Plasma _ [ Plasmoid -
___________________________ [ _ Heavy Metals _ Toxic Metals
___________________________ [ 5 Non-CS Crystals - Chiral Structur
7. Miniature Electronics _ _ _13.3 k _ Lava _ [ 6 Felsic Magma _ Silicon 1
_________________________________ [ 5 Non-CS Crystals - Chiral
8. Supertensile Plastics _ _ _13.2 k _ Ice _ [ _ Noble Gas _ Oxygen
________________________________ [ 3 Planktic Colonies - Biomass 6
9. Superconductors _ _ _ _12.5 k _ Storm _ [ _ Aqueous Liquid - Water
_________________________________ [ _ Suspended Plasma - Plasmoids
etc… to be continued…

Mining Post 34
(…continued from above…)

  • PL L 1V
    from Mining P24 Image 5
    Planets _ _ _ _ Resources _ _ _ _ Base _ _ _ _ Refined
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P2
    Temp. - - Autotrophs - - Industrial Fibres _
    __________________________________ - Polyaramids ]
    Gas - - - Reactive Gas - Oxiding Compound - …
    _ _ _ _ _ (Pr) _ [ ADV._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Some of the data was skipped due to the forums transferring some of the symbols I used for spacing to italicized characters…

I would have to make a secondary sheet with descriptive information on it, including the parts to be described, so to convey the meaning.

The diagram is a sample layout of the factories types and factories production name of product and their relative arrangement.

It was feasible to change those depending on the types of the P4 to make.

etc… to be continued…

Mining Post 35
(…continued from above…)

Mining P35 Image 1 :

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Pr) _ [ ADV. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [----- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ Polya _ _ (Bio) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ (Bio) _ _ [ ADV. _ _ _(Ox) _ _ (Bio) _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _[----- _ _ _ _( C )
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _[ Polya _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ (Ox) _ _ (CC) _ (LP)_ _ (IF) _ (IF)_ _ _ _
_ _ _( C ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P2 _ [ ADV. _ (Ox) _ (IF) _ (IF) _ _
_ _ _[----- _ _ ( C ) _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _[ H M _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (IF) _ _

(Pr) = Proteins
ADV. = Advanced (factories)
Polya. = Polyaramids
(Bio) = Biomass
( C ) = Oxidizing Compound
(CC) = Command Center
(LP) = Launch Pad
(IF) = Industrial Fibres
H M = Hermetic Membranes

etc… to be continued…

Mining Post 36
(…continued from above…)

from Mining Post 35 above,
there are 5 rows for the first PI layout.
This original layout is then improved to include the other processes to complete the first and subsequent P4, by loading the appropriate P1 in the factories from the Launch Pad to the Command Center or directly to the appropriate factories from the Launch Pad.
The links related are upgraded to the max to improve movement speed, although it may be more efficient and appropriate on the other planets which gather resources and process them into P1.

The 5 rows as per Mining Post 35 above, are:
on Row 1, the top row:
(Pr) for Protein, which is a factory producing Protein.
So, it does not load 2 x P1 to make a P2, but rather it was the first process
before the other resource planet started to make the P1 on site.

I later found out after this experiment that it was more efficient to run the P1 on the resource planet instead.

The second factory on the 2nd row was an Advance Factory making Polyaramids, from 2 P1 to make a P2 product.
That P2 product is later routed on a route to make P3, the Hermetic Membrane, to start.
That P3 will then later be used to make the first P4, but not in this first diagram layout for the producing Temperate planet (one of 2 in Perimeter).

The 3rd factory on the first row is the (Bio) for Biomass, a 2nd P1 factory.

The 2nd Row below the first row is with 4 factories:
1st, (Bio), as per above…
2nd, a 2nd Advanced Factory to produce P2, which is again, Polyaramids, as per above…
3rd, (Ox. C) for Oxidizing Compound, which is a P1.
4th another (Bio) which is the 3rd…

The 3rd Row below the second row, has the Command Center and the Launch Pad with 3 other factories:
1st, (Ox. C) for Oxidizing Compound, which is a P1. That factory is scratched to convey that it was changed , or that it was closed and removed.
2nd, the Command Center, which control the whole planet PI.
3rd, the Launch Pad, which serves as a more powerful Command Center for Launching PI and for receiving products to process.
4th, (IF) for industrial Fibres, which is a P1. That factory is scratched to convey that it was changed , or that it was closed and removed.
5th, the second (IF) for industrial Fibres, which is a P1. That factory is scratched to convey that it was changed , or that it was closed and removed.

The 4th Row below the third row, has 4 or 5 factories:
1st, a P2,
2nd, an Advanced Factory which makes P3, Hermetic Membrane.
All those factories are set to receive the product they need to produce what they are programmed to do.
3rd, (Ox. C) for Oxidizing Compound, which is a P1.
4th, (IF) for industrial Fibres, which is a P1.
5th, the second (IF) for industrial Fibres, which is a P1, as above.

The 5th Row below the fourth row, has 1 factory:
1st, (IF) for industrial Fibres, which is a P1. That factory is scratched to convey that it was changed , or that it was closed and removed.

Mining P36 Image 1 :

Every one of those nodes or factories are linked towards the Command Center which is linked to the Launch Pad.
The value of those links is increased to the maximum to minimize loss of speed or to increase capacity.
The distance between each adjacent one is practically touching one another so as to minimize the distance of the joining links between each.

etc… to be continued…

Mining Post 37
(…continued from above…)

Mining P37 Image 1 :

etc… to be continued…

Mining Post 38
(…continued from above…)

Mining P38 Image 1 :

etc… to be continued…

Mining Post 39
(…continued from above…)

I will create new data for the routes, which did not show in my diagrams on paper.

None of the original screenshots are on my current laptop as it started to be used after the data from the sheets of paper were created.

This will help to convey the information on the amount of work required to change the routes from one product to another, and also, on the amount of work required to change the factory production.

Although both are feasible, it requires a considerable amount of time, and the amount of work required can be measured more accurately, to use it for comparison and to increase efficiency.

Additionally, the screenshots which were saved on USB medium are probably saved on other device which are in my storage, as one of them got damaged and was not easily carried on a key-lanyard.
It had a broken part.

Mining P39 Edit 1 @ 18:14:
Mining P39 Image 1 :
This new links image update has extra links to keep the power running when factory nodes are changed to Advanced Factories or others.
That way, the other factories can keep working without having to be shut down even if factories placed in the middle are non-existent.

etc… to be continued…

Mining Post 40
(…continued from above…)

Mining P40 Image 1 :

Those are some of the links that are possible to add to the layout,
to make it possible to remove some of the Nodes while keeping the system running at all times.
Those were already added on the previous image above.

Additionally, many of the process are not completed if there is a discrepancy between the amount of resources and the previous cycle and so on.
There exists buffer in the factories, which, when not fully unloaded at the end of a cycle of production, and of movement out of the factory, after production, will cause it to stop functioning properly and cause a change to the previous functioning, or, cause it function differently than expected.

It could be a bug, but I am not sure, and I am still analyzing it.
I didn’t report it as a bug or error yet, as there may be processes which are repeating themselves and that are expected to function like this, although they are not described to function like this, and that they seem to be an error.

Furthermore, there are other details related to the routing system, and what possible routing is possible to be programmed, so that the system runs smoothly and as efficiently as possible, while retaining the possibility to be able to change the nodes without stopping the potential of the system to function (even though that it would stop in practice, until that the new program is properly loaded and organized.).

etc… to be continued…