You do realize you completely brought this on yourself when you accused other players of being bots, right? Also, why Russian bots? Maybe they’re Chinese bots? Or American bots? Or Aussie bots?
Anyway, the bots obviously paid protection money to the NPCs so that they get left alone. It’s a worldwide conspiracy, and you’re the target!
Nah, you just have to kill them enough so they get scared. My Main ratting char never gets aggro when in belts. Rats are obviously in fear of attacking him to a point they actually help with killing other people in the belt to please that char. They really really don’t want to attack him and quite a lot of them warp off when they realize it’s HIM.
Mining in a Hulk is quite pleasant that way. Now, if they would stop targeting my excavators from the other chars, that would would be lovely.
@OP: there seems to be a pattern at times. Other times, not so much. Many people have speculated that it might be their fits, lowest resistance, distance to the spawn, value of ships, standings with the faction and a myriad of other possible factors. I’ve yet to see one that could be confirmed though, so I am not really a help either.
EDiT says: Now that I’ve realized that the topic is actually about bots:
Don’t just yell: “BOOOTTTTTS!”. You can say that when you’ve made efforts to proof that they are(list of things to-do is in the thread). Don’t be that mo*on that yells bots simply because they mine a lot with similarly named chars.
Here’s a test you can try; bring in a fleet of your own mining ships and get on the same rocks these so-called “bots” are on and see if you get a convo after awhile.
I’ve seen multi-boxers running locust fleets of rorqs stripping belts afk that could easliy be confused as bots but aren’t.
Nope, there is some logic the NPC’s use for target selection, maybe there is a ship hierarchy in there, but I think only a CCP person would be able to comment on that. Personally, I have seen many a dead bot from NPC aggression or warped in to see them shooting an Orca.
Standings influence the NPCs behaviour. When you shoot them, they begin to hate you more than others. The more you shoot them, the more they hate you. If you want to be less of a target, grind standings for the rat’s faction. In case you cannot do that on this character, do it in a corp with a seperate one.
This should be the most accurate answer in here. After reading how people keep being stuck at the bots, skipping the rest of the posts seemed reasonable. It should also work the other way around, btw. I have yet to hear someone reporting how he was being repped by NPC corp rats, but CCP said it is (can?) be a thing.
I experimented on this in nullsec with excellent standings to bad results. From what I understand, the npc logistics need to be present specifically, which isn’t the case until they’re aggressed. So basically a hostile player would have to attack the npcs… then turn around and attack you.