Thanks for the reply, Are you sure you can min with the porpoise ? I know you dish out bursts but i couldn’t get mining turrets on it just able to use drones.
The new mining drones i was talking about are the faction storyline ones. I saw one called a harvester and thought it was for gas.
You’re experience is right. You can’t put turrets on the Porpoise or Orca (I don’t think that is what Jennifer meant), so you mine using drones with those ships and use command bursts on those ships to bonus other mining vessels in the fleet.
Porpoise like the orca have bonuses to their mining drones and combat drones.
This “new” drone which isn’t that new now, called the excavator mining drone, is a very big drone and very expensive which is used only by the Rorqual, a capital mining and boosting ship.