Mining, Isk Sinks, Spurring the Economy

Straight Isk Sinks

  • Put market tax back to where it was before the cut in 2024
  • Reintroduce sovhub bills
    • Add a cost to sov for each structure that you have in a system that scales based on how many structures, and/or what type of structures (Flex/M/L/XL) are in a system? Either people don’t care and it takes money out of the game, or it helps to curb structure spam
  • Cut the research tax to promote new builders
    • Maybe add it onto the actual manufacturing cost
  • Introduce a cost to running abyssals in hisec? i.e having to buy a literal permit to open a literal portal to hell in Empire space
    • You could argue to have to buy permits to mine empire’s ice/ore as well. Why are they letting capsuleers access their resources for free with 0 standings. Alternatively you could make it so you have to own a structure in hisec in order to mine an empire’s resources for whatever lore reason you want to make up. This allows all the 24/7 AFK miners to become war-deccable as well. No more safe and free 24/7 hisec mining from DT to DT.
  • Owning structures in hisec should have to incur some type of cost/fee to the empire who owns the space for allowing you to have structures in their empire, kind of like being able to rent offices in stations.
  • Increase Insurance cost substantially turning it into an isk sink, but increase payout as well. Make it worth insuring T2 Ships. Now, in conjunction with this, decrease how long insurance lasts SUBSTANTIALLY for subcaps. I think Caps/Supers/Titans at 12 weeks (3 months) is fine for how infrequently they get used/die. Subcaps should be reduced to like a week minimum. This increases insurance costs, the amount of ships actually being insured (more fees being paid), and increases how many times you have to insure your ship before it dies.
    • Alternatively, temporarily disable insurance entirely and use it as an exercise to imagine the effect of deleting insurance and reducing the material cost of ships to compensate
  • Introduce some type of contract taxes for listing things like fully fit ships to alliance/corp contracts. The alliance/corp can also receive some of the taxes like how it works with the market tax as another income source, and the rest goes to the void.
  • Remove Pirate Sotiyos from the game and just add the pirate caps/super BPCs to the LP store for exorbitant cost. This would also allow CCP to finally introduce the Vanguard and the Venerable (Serpentis faction carrier and fax respectively).

okay, so sinks are higher now, now lets stimulate the velocity of isk:

Mining Anoms:

  • Either have the mining sovhub upgrades generate more than 1 belt at a time, or increase the amount of available ore to somewhere around 6-10m m3 worth of ore (the combination of the pre-equinox enorm + colossal at ~6m and ~10m for the combined small → colossal)
    • Arguably, I don’t see how you can make it worth it to have anoms like Pyrite and Trit in your sovhub. Just cut these upgrades and add the ore to other anoms TBH.
  • Because of the massive increase in ore, the price of ore will fall. In order to maintain the isk/hr of mining, you should do a balance pass to increase the amount of m3 that T1, Faction, and Ore strip miners are pulling
  • Rework mining drone I and IIs to be mining sentries. The tiddlywinks of ore they pull for the distance/time they are away from you and have to travel is ass. Then if the rock pops before your mining drones return to you with the full load of ore they had, the ore in the mining drones vanishes (though I may be mis-remembering, it’s been a long while).
  • There needs to be less rocks in an anom that all contain more m3 worth of ore. Ideally maybe we try to achieve at least like 5 cycles (10 minutes) minimum from an exhumer per rock
    • Get rid of the 600 variations of every type of ore in the anoms and go back to letting trusec influence the type of ore that appears in the anom.
  • New ore types introduced with equinox need to be more dense with minerals.
  • Mercoxit needs to go back into each anom with at least 300k worth of m3 (~400k was the combined total of the large → colossal)
  • Increase the expiration time of the mining escalation, remove the public beacon
  • Let the asteroid ore compressor also compress mercoxit, get rid of the mercoxit compressor

Bonus: Whether they fix the anoms or don’t, add minerals back to moons (not moon ore) and either have the mining sovhub upgrades affect which ore/mineral is being pulled (so not every moon is getting minerals back) or introduce a new sovhub upgrade to pull regular ore from moons in addition to the moon ore. This could be the 15% bonused ore once more.

This gets ships cheaper and more people out there willing to just literally throw them away, which then spurs industry and ore demand which prevents ore from absolutely cratering (but still decreasing) from the huge injection of ore by increasing demand, and spurs more market taxes/velocity of isk.


  • Drone Mutaplasmids need to be reworked IMO. Why are they rolling so many stats.
  • Introduce mutaplasmids for Damage Controls that affect the shield and Armor. This way you have 3 mutaplasmids for Damage Controls that roll either shield, armor, or hull and each damage control can only have 1 set of stats rolled. Same with ADCs.
  • Start rolling out more mutaplasmids for nearly all modules, including excavs and fighters.

The method to obtain the mutaplasmids can be whatever, or something new, idk. This gets more people spending money on modules, which spurs more industry, gets more industry taxes, and more market taxes, more velocity of isk.

Isk Faucets

  • Homefront payouts need to be trimmed

Thanks for coming to my late night rambling TED Talk.

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Are you sure you don’t work at ccp? Because you seen to comprehend the problems about as well as they do


this guy got banned for breaking NDA whilst helping CCP, doubt he could get a job there

Not to beat a dead horse, but from what I understand it was an honest mistake - he owned up to it, took his ban (and ouster from the CSM) as well as lost his CSM bid.

Pretty sure the CSM NDA has been breached numerous times before in the past by much more unscrupulous individuals… Just they never got caught (or owned up to anything).

These aren’t bad ideas. Serenity already has weapon mutators.