Mining/Salvage drones to obey the "focus" fire button

The feature request will mean that I would have to keep relying to you. So you can clean sites faster.

And it will mean while you are cleaning sites, “the fast way”, I will be chatting to peeps while my updated drones clear a site faster than you can do manually.

I think that is a win win. don’t you agree?


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This is why it doesn’t function then. I already DO chat and can even play 2-3 other accounts if I felt like it while manually salvaging a site with an alternate account.

Have you considered:

1: Salvagers are the only way to salvage some of the wrecks at all.
2: Drones commanded to salvage wrecks with no loot far away are faster than the MTU.
3: Even if you salvage a wreck far away with loot you left a jetcan in space which an MTU would be needed to collect or you fly to negating the effectiveness of a drone in the first place.

I’m not arguing who is better at clearing a site. For some reason you are seeing this as a personal attack. I have counted your vote for disagreeing with the feature. Next!

Unfocused is the opposite of focussed. Focus fire salvages one wreck. I want unfocused fire for salvage drones.

Now I know you don’t use salvage drones, or drones for that fact.

Salvage drones do not salvage wrecks as you say, they just ALL go to the nearest wreck.

Unfocused combat drones attack random targets. Focus combat drones attack one target.

Salvage drones salvage the nearest wreck, regardless of the focus button.

I think I need a video!

Perhaps “Augmented salvage drones” , will be better.

I’d be happy with T2 salvage drones. Honestly, salvage drones have never been a “power house” when it comes to salvaging wrecks - you will always get better results from a dedicated salvager.

Well if we’re not going to confirm the mechanics of the situation then there is no feature you’re discussing.

:roll_eyes: No. It’s not random. It’s never random. Computers can’t do random, even if they want to. If programmers want random, they have to deliberately simulate random. In this case, it only appears to be random because you’re not paying attention. It appears random because the scenario is a little bit complicated, but really not that complicated. If your targets were all stationary, they would be as predictable as salvage drones. With salvage drones, the criteria are simple, but it’s exactly as not-random as combat drones. In both scenarios they have a target picker algorithm. In both scenarios the only difference between focus and not is whether or not the equation is run once for the group, or once per individual drone. That’s all “focus” does. In this regard, it’s exactly like grouping weapons.

Do you want to vote twice. I don’t think that is allowed.

I live near Chicago. We know the rules. Vote early. Vote often.

Now back to your topic.

You’re not asking for drones (mining or salvage) to obey focus and never were. You’re asking for self distributing drones that will do what you want them to without your direct input. Game history has told us that when you create drones like this they will kill you and then run away to live free from human input.


I am waiting for the Augmented drone release.

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