Mission Runners Declining?

t1 are just as easy and the rigs too with salvage loot.

Sometimes it works out better to increase your salvage skill and then salvage the mission loot as the npcs drop loads of junk but loot and salvage then use the materials to produce. It takes a edit:(quick check) on the sell price first to see if there is a demand for the item, if not then salvage and save.

I just make the following

Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
1MN Afterburner I
Light Neutron Blaster I
Small Hybrid Burst Aerator I
Small Processor Overclocking Unit I
Antimatter Charge S can be usedto purchase faction ammo along with some LP to exchange.

The warp distruptors I save from npc loot and get plenty.

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Considering a few major incentives for missions have been removed:

  1. Standings are no longer needed to anchor bases (“citadels”).
  2. Standings are no longer needed for jump clones, etc (you can do it at the new structures which are everywhere and most are open access)
  3. Anything you can get with LP is much faster, easier, and safer (smaller ship at risk) farming FW.

So missions only give some ISK from bounties/agent reward, if you put in a lot of time and effort also from loot/salvage. But that’s about it. There’s way better ways to make ISK, even in HiSec. Missions are kind of obsolete at this point, and either need to be removed or overhauled.

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some offers are not available from FW LP IIRC.

and a handful of offers are negative isk/lp as the 5 run BPC is so much more efficient

Abyss is just better for most players. We are seeing a steady migration as new players are rejecting joining the mission grind when alternatives are presented.

is it really though? I mean bling t5 running seems to be the main thing that beats burner blitzing and the risk seems way higher. Not sure about lower tiers vs lower level mission running especially with low skills but it doesn’t sound all that great.

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Standings decrease Broker Fees and Reprocessing Fees in NPC stations.
Standings are needed to access Agents above level 1.
Standings dictate actions of Faction NPC’s.

Being in Faction Warfare automatically makes you an enemy and KOS to opposing NPC Factions and player Militia’s.


People still using NPC stations for market and industry? Weird.

This is a circular thing - “standings are needed to run higher level missions to get more standings to run higher level missions”.

Who actually tanks their faction standings with missions tho?

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Since the highest rewarding missions tend to be those against another faction, many people get a bit too narrow in their focus and tank their faction standing so far that it catches them by surprise the next time they arrive at another stargate and are greeted with the " Attention Capsuleer, you are not wanted…" in local. This is particularly true for those only running 1 or 2 characters, as they have to multipurpose them to run to Jita,grab supplies/modules from elsewhere, find invasions etc.

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I do. Slaying imperialist slavers feels good :smiley: I am in minmil anyway…
Also anti-empire missions pay crazy good - the profits are around the level of burners while being far less risky.


ever hear of a place called jita? I hear the market is pretty active there and pretty sure it has the highest industry index in game.


confirmation :

There is a reason why this is highest cost index : the faction bpc have a very low cost in term of required minerals, that is they need eg only 2M per 5-run bpc , for a BPc that costs like 20M and 10k Lp to get.
That means, the 10% added cost only relates to the minerals adjusted cost, often less than 5% of the final sell cost. so it’s like <2% added cost in the end, which is definitely not an issue.


It doesn’t help that the standings are messed up. I was grinding standing and the standings increase did not match my resulting standing. For example I was at 4.52, got a .132 increase as stated in the standings history and I was only at 4.59 instead of 4.65. This happened for a lot of missions I did. Its all broken. Not to mention some key structures you need to blow up do not show up in the overview in some cases leading to having to search the vast expanse of space clicking on everything till you find the structure or the structure its listing isn’t even a structure as stated but a collection of structures.

CCP have been trying to kill mission runner and regular players for the last 5-6 years. Join a corp they said, move out of high sec they said, PVP they said.
From CCP: Constructive criticism is welcome, but criticize ideas , not people. —
tbh, heres an idea to criticise … GTFO with all your new gameplay and fix what you already have. Instead of trying to force us to play to the whims and wishes of a few megacorps, keep your promise of ‘sandbox’ and let us play the way we want to play. Fix missions, fix mining, fix high sec.


How so ? On the opposite I think the addition of leshak is a very good help for the mission runners.
People even use nergal fit for the burners .

CCP added recently the repair service in all HS stations. I think THAT is a very good help to mission running in HS.


So you think they show love for missions by adding ships or repair facilities? You obviously don’t/didn’t understand the premise of this thread.
Firstly, missions repeat. Yes, i’m aware that they will or do repeat on a fairly regular basis BUT, I get Recon 1-3, Stop the thief, Ritualist Raids, An Adventagious Catastrophie, Anomic ‘something’, Duo of Death, Infiltrated Outposts offers TWICE per 16 missions before the storyline mission. That equals 80% of the time its one of those 7 missions, I might get Angel Extraviganza offer every 50-60 missions, Blockade once every 100 or so. I do keep a record because I spend most of my time only playing missions and seeing the same sh*t over and over gets to be boring. However, I don’t want to PVP (did it, done it and it’s as boring as grinding missions), I don’t want to join some large megacorp in nullsec because I just don’t want to. I run mining missions when I’m waiting for the timer to run down on the sec missions I don’t want to run but they are even worse for repeating. I did earn a small fortune exploring but you have to log on and run those within the first 20-30 mins or so after downtime because after that, there’s too may explorers out there vying for the same small crap.
Secondly, it’s obvious that CCP have ignored, avoided, forgotten about other aspects of gameplay except for PVP. As I said before, they want you to join a corp, leave high-sec, go pew pew. So much for the ‘sandbox’ play they boast about. In the last 16 and a bit years i’ve seen it all (I took part in the Beta testing). Even took part in a lot of it myself. Played pirate, played with MC, played with BoB against MC, fought the goonswarm etc etc and camped more gates than you’ve had hot dinners. But one constant has remained in all those years, missions are like the illigitimate child you had after shagging that munter after a night on the piss: ignore it, pretend it’s not yours and hope it doesn’t ask for pocket money.


how is that “trying to kill mission runners” ?
All I see is “CCP does not care about missions” Which I kinda agree with.

PVE in general was ignored by CCP. Maybe because they don’t have the manpower to rewrite it from scratch.
Killing rats in anoms suck. It’s even more boring that doing missions.

and sometimes I get 10 anire+ zazzmatazz out of 20 missions. Yeah, that’s random. I made stats and all in all the missions have (on a long time period) same probabilities.


By NOT caring about missions, that#s indictative evidence of them wanting it to die. Obvious really …


no it’s not.
You forget the devs who made the original code are no more present. Any modification to the existing missions system would require a lot of work, and possibly a lot of bugs to fix.

Top the point it’s easier to make a NEW system (abyss, invasions) than to fix the existing one and its bugs.