Mobile Observatories – Live on Singularity

read posts above to see why thats not the case

5uck Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah dude For F sake Finally
good daaaaaaamn that was looooong overdue .
this should have been a thing since the cloaking device was introduced :smirk:

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honeslty they shuld add a “red” timer like cyno jump honestly that will increase the risk of having to lose ur ship

after all that it wat all matter RISK and less reward

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The botters seem to be rejoicing the most.


Cloaky camping is not AFK. AFK cloaky camping is, by definition, AFK. If you want to drop a couple of characters into random systems at downtime, then walk away, this new deployable will give the folks in that space a way to uncloak and blow you up.

You’re free to cloaky camp to your hearts content, but you have to be physically present to respond if somebody drops one of these in the system. That’s it. This isn’t a massive buff to anybody’s space. It adds some counterplay to what currently does not have a counter.

Report the bots, because that’s not allowed. Otherwise, you’ll have to cloaky camp those systems like you do now, but you’ll have to pay more attention than you did before.

Where did I say I have no idea how it works? I’ve been working on this stuff with the Devs for months. I understand how it was supposed to work on paper and what their design goals were.

There’s nothing more annoying than some random person lecturing me on how to do my job - how about you not waste my time with stupid responses if this is all you have to add?

I disagree. There is no reason to make things that easy for the defender/hunter. The fact that you can even decloak a traveling super now is a huge buff to hunter game play that didn’t exist before. Don’t get greedy.

I disagree. Bounce safes, get out of dscan range of anybody that can see you, decloak, warp back to where you were. Bomber groups do this all the time, so do blops groups. Everybody warps out to their own safes periodically unless they’re actively ready to hit something.

Timing is critical, yes, but the timing that is critical is rarely longer than 15 minutes. We reposition in TIDI in bomber fleets all the time. It’s inevitable. Somebody decloaks by accident, there’s a disconnect - that’s almost 100% guaranteed in big tidi fests - and you have to starburst, cloak up again. Everybody expects there will be bombers in those fights, especially after what we did to PAPI last week.

I just don’t see how having a 40% chance to get decloaked every ten minutes these things are active is somehow going to destroy our ability to run cloaky bombing fleets, or impair hunters from doing their thing. The only thing that this reliably does is force people to pay attention who could just walk away before.

My biggest concern when we talked about all this with the Devs and walked through all the various things that needed to be addressed and remembered was that once we took all the various gameplay styles into account, the result would be so watered down people would hate it for not being strong enough. Yet it seems clear that most of the complaints view it as being too strong. I’m glad I was wrong.


Make it work in highsec. I can see some fun to be had.

Actually I like this if structure cost will be increased to prevent mindless spamming of it.

Observatory arrays are still coming yes?

Brisc I love what you do for us on CSM and it’s great to have you discussing this in the forums with us.

Just want to say that cloaky 1v1 hunting in low sec is my thing and I can assure you this will have an impact, granted not most of the time, maybe not even much of the time, but it will screw with my gameplay from time to time. You and others may not see that as an issue and that’s fine but given that CCP have repeatedly said they’re looking for a solution to this which didn’t hurt active players I think it’s only fair that we get to point out that this will hurt us. Whether it’s an acceptable level of hurt only CCP can decide but please don’t dismiss our concerns.

I agree that for dealing with afk campers the solution could be stronger. My issue is that this fix, as proposed, provides a passive, aoe counter to an active gameplay in order to address an issue with afk gameplay when there appears to be a simple solution to differentiating between active and afk pilots.

Something else I noticed. CCP seems willing to adjust new features on the fly in the past 6 mo or so? Or is it just me? It “seems” to me, their trying to communicate better with their player base. The 1st time I just took as a fluke. This time I get a definite feeling CCP is willing to work with the player base and actually listen. It might not seem like much, but to someone like me who remembers when they did communicate a lot more, this by itself is a good step.

Love or hate the feature, I’ll take CCP’s effort to be flexible instead of just dropping it on us set in stone as a great sign for the future of the game.

The flip side is it also proves that they just don’t play the game as hard as the rest of us. Fine, it’s a job to them so I understand. But when they start to listen again!

You got rid of the red dot. Did you have any influence on getting them to listen/be more flexible? :wink:

Thank you for the reply. I appreciate you taking the time to sift through this thread and sticking your neck out yet again.
Indeed, the complaints mostly view the “solution” as being too strong because it isn’t focused on AFK cloaky camping but drags every cloak into a new problem.

Perhaps checking the calls made by the client, sifting through them for active piloting indicating calls, is too much of a burden on the server side to make that a possibility. There is no distinction between an afk cloaky and a (group of) active(s) one.

One cloaky afk’er in a system is nothing, if you take away the ability to use a cyno once flagged for afk (which a deployed observatory could do). Just a thought.

why is it that the only issues or complaints that matter to ccp are those from the low and null sec community? other players not involved with mega-corping are summarily ignored. since it’s NOT an issue of the low/null sec users supplying the bulk of ccp’s eve online income (as most of these players convert ISK to plex for gameplay AND are responsible for the majority of new-player retention problems), the question becomes less one of cloaking and more one of why does ccp continue to cut its own throat catering to these basement shut-ins? continuing to marginalize most players to please non-contributory “big fish” will be the end of eve online.


I said I don’t agree with the relevance of ownership, not that I didn’t understand the argument of cloaking camping

Not all cloaky camping is as you’ve described, a region wide denial of content attack. This solution isn’t nearly focused enough to meet the objective without damaging other covert operations.

Also, you say the idea it’s to prevent players from playing the game, which isn’t always accurate. It’s often deployed to stop players using null sec like high sec, which isn’t the same thing. Nobody in null sec is entitled to risk free krabbing and that’s the problem, a lot of players do believe they are, they’re unwilling to even move system, let alone form up to push roamers off their patch. I’ve no sympathy for anybody who gets cloaky camped when they expect to be able to dock up the second a neutral is in local and wait for the roamers to get bored before going back to grinding. It’s dreadful game design that allows that to be the optimal strategy. I could just as easily make the claim that that tactic is designed to stop people playing too.

CCP have made a mistake, instead of investigating why players are resorting to these tactics, they’ve come up with a crude, badly thought out solution to stop them doing it rather than fixing the main problem.

Accompany this change with a 1 minute delayed local and I’d have no problem with it. The problem is CCP only ever make the hunter/farmer relationship worse for the hunter and this change might just be the point people stop trying and null sec just becomes vast farm land because catching targets is next to impossible, especially in small gangs.

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Except adding the already coded “Banned in Empire Space” attribute is vastly simpler than coding it to not effect non-fw ships. Also the fw plexes don’t allow cloaks anyway.

Come on you can do better than this CCP…
This is not a new PVE elements, there is no need to hide the attributes and how it will work.
I had to go through the whole 200+ floors to find a link to REDDIT post by suitonia about the properties
and a link to a screenshot of CCP someone saying what’s going on.

Could you please update the original post to allow us better understand how this new thing work?
Not everyone have 1h40 minutes (or even more) to spend on a test server, but as a player they deserve knowing the latest update.


Can you explain how this will screw with your gameplay from time to time?

They get almost no credit for this from the player base, but they have been doing a great job, in my opinion, of putting stuff on SISI, working with community feedback and fixing things before stuff goes live. They’ve done that here, they’ve done it with the nullification and warp stab changes, they did it with the Marauder changes, they did it with the mobile cynos - this is what we should want them to be doing, and it would be nice if more people would at least acknowledge it.

This is true, but it’s not a huge problem - the solution is literally two fold: 1) be at your keyboard; 2) recloak when you’ve been decloaked. There’s enough of a spin up time that if you see somebody dropping one of these you can easily warp to a safe, decloak and recloak, warp back before the thing is even active.

This is the easiest, least dev time intensive solution to the issue of AFK cloaky camping I’ve seen, and I think once it’s in the game we’ll get a better understanding of where there may be things that have been impacted we aren’t thinking of now. And I have faith that CCP will iterate if it’s that bad - that has been their MO for at least the last year.

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The demographics of new players might be the answer to that.

Now if you can just get them back into their indestructible ships so we can fly around with them and show them where things are borked again? They dont have to play much to catch on quick. You would have to turn off concord these days. :rofl:

This is a bad change and you guys should feel bad about presenting it in its current iteration. That is all

what is so bad about it?

are you one of the ones who sits AFK cloaky camped and leave the house?

Are you able to confirm whether the 15 minute cloak buff is an invulnerability to the mobile observatory or just a higher resistance to being decloaked, as hinted in the announcement?

It does make a big difference. For many of the active players in a situation where it may be super unsafe to log off but you just have to run to the bathroom for 5 minutes as an example.