"Mobile tractor unit can not be deployed due to..."

It’s fine if you don’t want players to deploy their deployable in the starting systems BUT why didn’t you prevent the lvl4 security agents from giving missions in those systems or why didn’t you restrict that to the space that is outside the mission rooms?

Even with a micro warp drive equipped that doubled the completion time of Vengeance!

What were you thinking?

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Loyal fans make lazy devs

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I said it when they were announced I’ll say it again mtu shouldn’t be in the game at all


It saves a lot of time when doing missions with a lot of ships that shoot from a far which are most of the lvl4s!

That’s what a Noctis is for…


Dropping an MTU just screams “Hey, over here! I’m running an L4 in a blinged-out Marauder. Please come kill me.”

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orca …

The devs knows how to make an object not activating from some distance of another object. If they were’nt lazy, they could easily make the MTU to be deployable only from distance that can’t be seen on overview, away from stargates and stations.

There is an Amarr Epic Arc mission that often lead to one of the starting system, which like you describe have spawns that are very far away from each other. Adding to the insult is the wrecks despawning in 30-ish minutes (for no good reason I can think of) instead of 60+ minutes in regular systems. If the MTU was able to deploy, the smaller despawn time wouldn’t be an issue.

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prop mods, salvage drones, tractor beams, the mod that extends drone range…


an Orca


Cheap and easy so you can have one at every related starter / career system and just takes a moment to reship then quickly salvage the wreck field then switch back to your main ship.


Starting systems are in high sec!

I’m not switching ships on the same character just to salvage my wrecks. I have done it, it’s not as efficient as using MTU.

I use salvage drones, in fact very often the moment the small ships are taken care off, I launch them and start salvaging. and by the time I’m done with the last ship only one wreck is left.

:smirk: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :innocent:

So does a new bro in a cat or a noctis

Ok and? starter system doesnt protect you from being separated from your ship.

It doesn’t in general but not in the context that I and he are talking about, so try to stay on the subject.

complaining because MTU’s can’t be used in starter systems.

they reply that MTU is a signal that you are flying a blinged out ship, and asking to be killed, you reiterated that starter systems are in hisec, which is why i said starter systems don’t prevent you from losing your ship… im on the subject that you want MTU’s to be deployed but CCP probably won’t allow that, because of all the rampant OVER deployed deployables from people spamming them trying to recruit new players…

probably because of all the heavy traffic that comes through the starter systems with new players joining and running the SOE arc after the career agents, or the ones like OP doing missions around that area… idk what the actual despawn time is for that area.

regular despawn time is 2 hours. A quick search suggests that despawn time should still be 2 hours even in starter systems…

For 20 points, what is a “Noctis?”

My original post was about lvl4 missions in starter systems, he was talking about a marauder! And I said those systems are high sec. So the topic between the two of us was very specific - doing lvl4 missions with a marauder in a starter system!

What are the chances in this specific scenario for a player to loose their marauder to another player because they have deployed a MTU? Almost ZERO, because if a player can do lvl4 in a marauder they have played long enough to know what they are doing and not get themselves killed in high sec during such circumstances. What we can tell for sure is that the chance is lower than loosing it in the rest of the high sec systems because the status of the starter system is 1.0 and the response time of CONCORD in those is the fastest, you are going to need a lot of ships to kill a marauder before CONCORD shows up.

So basically the arguments are against you so unless you can provide an example for this particular case you shouldn’t speak in general because that’s not applicable here!

You do lvl4s with Noctis?