Modules to boost capacitor abilities

Don’t forget the skills:

  • Capacitor Management - 5% per level to capacitor size.
  • Capacitor Systems Operation - 5% per level improvement in recharge speed.
  • Controlled Bursts - 5% per level reduction in turret capacitor need (really important for Amarrian ships!)
  • Fuel Conservation - 10% reduction per level in Afterburner capacitor use.
  • Afterburner - nett about 5% reduction per level in Afterburner capacitor use.
  • High Speed Manoeuvring - 10% reduction per level in MWD use.

Those “lots of 5%” really do add up. They will help any ship you fly and not take up a module slot - a couple of levels of both the basic capacitor skills is the equivalent of fitting a Cap Recharger. There’s not excuse (beyond Alpha limits) to training each of these to level IV as a priority, with the intent to train to Level V fairly quickly - especially for Amarrian ships where the weapons do place a big demand on the capacitor.

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Don’t do that: moving at higher speed reduces the incoming damage and reduces the time you spend moving in many missions etc. Keep one prop mod, most often ab for pve and mwd for pvp

Good !

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