Molden Heath / Krullefor Inquest

Once again, I’d like to forward along our correspondence for public release:


Thank you for your assistance in coordinating our efforts in Molden Heath. The Bosena Accords will continue regular anti-smuggling operations planetside as we finalize our plans for the Security Inquest. Based on everyone’s response, I have determined that the best time for a joint meeting will be on the 19th beginning at 0000 EVE Time. The conference will include statements from Republican officials, local informants, and our operatives before officially presenting a series of proposals focused on determining a unified response to the crisis in Molden Heath.

Due to different schedules, this presentation will be transcribed and forwarded to all inquest members who cannot be in attendence and a 24 hour window will be given for all participants to respond via GalNet.

Moitte, I look forward to seeing each of you in one week’s time.

A special thanks to @Cain_Aloga for the logistical support in hosting a citadel in orbit above Bosena IX. This installation will provide a safe staging area and central hub for coordinating our efforts as we rotate between planetside operations in Terror Maw and our goals in space.

We will continue our planetary raids and intelligence gathering until the Inquest. While we do not anticipate that these minor raids will pose a significant threat to Krullefor and the Seykal clan’s profits, we are confident that by launching routine strikes over a wide area we can obstruct them enough to stall their growth in the Heath until a unified response can be formulated.

Additional thanks to @KnightGuard_Fury, Warden of Avalon, for using his deep ties to the Republic to issue a formal statement on our behalf.