Monthly Economic Report - July 2020

So Triglavs going take entire HS? IS THAT TRUE? Someone told me that :wink:

Triglavian Invasion - JITA





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:red_circle: You don’t even need to take Jita. Just turn all the access points around it into TrigMVs or Final Loon systems and Jita is effectively isolated and unreachable. Don’t worry, just like Niarja was impossible to save, so will any system around Jita fall to Trigs.


Where is the war happening? Inside a wormhole? :joy::joy::joy:

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This was predicted. The market changes weren’t about combatting bots, but about slowing down the economy. I don’t see the market changes they’ve introduced combatting bots at all, actually, because these change affect ed everyone equally, meaning the level of the playing field is still the same.

Anyhow …

As a collective we are far too wealthy. Too many people, especially the traders,
have/had a far too easy time making money. Our economy was going too fast for scarcity
and that’s why they, CCP, had to slow it down.

This is a good thing and working as intended.


That’s not what ‘ISK velocity’ means. ISK velocity is how much activity there is, economically, not how much money is in the system/how much money we ‘as a collective’ have. That number is the ‘money supply’, which is down a very little bit that CCP attributes to ISK sinks (incidentally, the market fees and taxes in Jita? An ISK sink that is more effective with a higher ISK velocity, because there’s more isk getting taxed more often).

People aren’t getting appreciably poorer, they’re just buying and selling less, and holding onto what they have more.


Love seeing these. Also curious why Wormhole space is never included on the report? Could categorize them by C1-C6

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No bounties, so it complicates CCP’s data. They basically wind up ‘including’ j-space by tracking the traded goods that come out of it.

Leaves off contracts, destruction, etc, though, you’re right.

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I used to think it was because wormholes were “zero” - but it definitely seems strange that the entirety of J space is simply omitted.

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They’d definitely show up as entire regions of ‘0.000T’ on the ‘NPC Bounties’ chart. But then CCP would have to find a way to separate out the value of all the blue loot in order to give an approximation. It should be easy, since they’re the ones generating the blue loot in the first place, but :ccp: so who the hell knows.

And then, of course, the blue loot gets tracked as trade value when it moves out of those regions and into k-space. Production, mining, destruction, contracts… all that should work just fine, though.

I know that, which seems pretty clear,
and it also seems clear to me that that sentence wasn’t talking about that at all,
but about how the situation, the game was in, required change.

We’re all too wealthy, and wealth is too easily generated.


why we experience issues with our passwords and security in session when we need to see the forum’s or attend in session, and why the second security will not work for he application we are sent is not real and you see multiple in google play store. and my carector looks like I have not developed a man with EVE gear in the photograghy, ( why?)

We really need to ramp destruction up and keep the scarcity going for a long while it still looks like.

5 more years should do it.


There is no scarcity. That´s why the “scarcity phase” is been going for 9 months without hearing any update, status or anything, because it has FAILED.

Compressed ore transport is highly efficient, and you find ALL the ore you may need for subcaps, and regular caps in hi-sec. There was an increase in prices and that´s all, now prices are stable and supply is continuous.

CCP screwed nullsec miners, they just moved to hisec or switched to moons, or ratting, or unsubbed, and scarcity was never achieved.

If you want scarcity hisec mining will have to be nerfed too, and somehow more supercaps need to die.

Are you sure? Maybe you should look at the data/graph for produced and the velocity of ISK. Velocity of money is typically measured as a ratio of GDP to the money supply. Hence it is a ratio. Ratios are inherently non-linear and as such does not fit well with linear thinking.

There is no scarcity…yet prices went up. Goodness.

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Well, for me something is scarce when there is so little of it that it is hard to find.

You could buy just now in jita enough compressed ore to produce 1.000 dreads, and set up a buy order at the same price for another 1.000 and it would be filled by tomorrow. Would you say that ore is scarce?

Of course there is less ore than before, but it is not scarce by any means.