Moon Drill

So I want to setup a small moon drill to try and make some isk…

however, I need some magmatic crap that you acquire from skyhooks
however, skyhooks need sov space to be anchored
however, you technically need an infrastructure hub to claim this space

but all sov space is kinda owned already so ■■■■ me, right

anyways, I popped a metenox drill in syndicate, bought magmatic crap for 30 days.

drill - 1.2b (estimate prod value is now at 800m)
fuel - 380m

me selling the mined crap from drill = 600m…

If I want higher tier stuff, I gotta fight slightly bigger alliances like, oh I dont know, INIT or FRT or GOONs

I might be missing something here, but I dont see how the latest “whatever you want to call it”, patch, trailer trash update or epic blunder, is going to revive 0.0 when again, the top dogs own all the ■■■■ :rage: :rage: :rage:

EVE ain’t fair. If you can’t beat 'em, join 'em.

something that you are missing here is that the drill should be considered an initial investment or startup cost for a project like this. You spent 380M in fuel to get 600M in goo, so you still have a 220M profit when you ignore startup costs. If you can keep the drill running for 6 months then you will break even and the drill will basically be free money (if it does not get blown up).

Just as a side note, while the ROI is a bit slow for Eve, it’s a very good deal when compared to things like indy, which you can invest 15-20B for 200-400M profit during the first few months

One also has to wait until the market has come to an economic equilibrium. The more groups run skyhooks and longer those skyhooks are running the cheaper the Magmatic Gas will become. Also the initial costs will go down to a few percent above production value, once enough pre-produced drills have hit the market. That means, the RoI phase will get shorter and the monthly profits after that pase will get bigger over time. I just wouldn’t rely on the idea that you can keep your drill running without the support of an at least medium sized group. But, thats exactly the purpose, it isn’t meant as passive income for solo-soldiers-of-fortune and their handful of alts.


My guy you need to wait for people to farm the stuff this is pretty new. It’s not like a ship. CCP introduced an entire new ecosystem with PI/NS.

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The one time I experienced moon drill mining, I wasn’t impressed either. This was almost a year ago. I asked for corporate permission to get my tiny venture into their next operation. The CEO said ok, but said, I would need to jet can 50%, so I would haul away a full 5000 and they would collect 5000. I found it rather dull sitting out there mining rocks and the profits vs time spent just didn’t add up. The corp had warships running for protection, Orcas, and large mining ships working the field. This was long before Equinox and done in LS not in Null.

Fly safe o7

Most people I know ask for 10% which is reasonable.

I do 9%, if you buy two years in advance I can do 8%.

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Do you get a discount if you just want to mine SiCO’s moons?