I would like to offer all a free invitation to come and mine at Munory VI - Moon 16
Come one come all lets mine this moon fast
All we ask is a 2% contribution of what you mine as gratitude…
Time is
Eve time Thursday 18:00
Boosts will be available
I would like to offer all a free invitation to come and mine at Munory VI - Moon 16
Come one come all lets mine this moon fast
All we ask is a 2% contribution of what you mine as gratitude…
Time is
Eve time Thursday 18:00
Boosts will be available
I would like to offer all a free invitation to come and mine at Munory VI - Moon 16
I’m interested to see if we can mine this moon in 1hr or less
All we ask is a 2% contribution of what you mine as gratitude…
Time is
Eve time Thursday 18:00
Boosts will be available
Will not contributing 2% be the crime, and if so, what will be the punishment?
Posting a mining op in Crime & Punishment? I literally could not be more suspicious right now.
Merged cross postet Threads.
Who? Pirates? Not at all… hehe
Fifie readying her Catalyst.
Might go myself
The miners will need protecting for sure.
Even if its a miner trap gankers will be close by
I might see if our Angel of Verdun / Full Metal ■■■■■ wants to go
It’s either a trap from gankers trying to get miners into a place to kill them, or it’s this guy trying to get random miners to mine someone else’s moon when it pops.
@Githany_Red Now that it’s in the forum there will be no one except a few stray miners and a whole lot of combat pilots there.
This is you right? So you can enthusiasticly speak to me while using an alt but too afraid or lacking vigorous commit. Those mind games you try on me won’t work and moon mining in a Catalyst is somewhat non productive.
Who ever talked about mining in a Catalyst? I don’t mine in a corvette or battlecruiser either… in fact, I don’t mine. I haven’t mined anything since I started the game and haven’t even started the miner agent so I think you’re confusing me with someone else.
Depends who “you” is to you.
I’m not “you” though, I “me”.
~Fifie steps in the Twilight Zone.
We will use this moon mining reply for future extraction.
Why does that word sound ominous to me now?
Fifie paranoia kickin in.
Nothing sus about building something to make them come.
We will be holding further mining events every Thursday 18:00 I’d like to thank all that attended last event is was awesome