I have computer troubles I am reluctant to solve or pay my way out of it, but I miss EVE Online.
Most likely this is an unfeasible idea, but it seems the Nintendo Switch 2 will have an inbuild mouse within its input device (unconfirmed). And its hardware is somewhat decent. Most likely the platform will sell well, too. So EVE Online needs a mouse to click and would offer a unique gaming experience to the Switch 2.
So please drop whatever you are doing and “just“ port the game to the Switch 2. 
Install Linux OS to your Nintendo Switch and you should be good to go!
Seriously tho, all my best on finding a new or used PC. o7
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It seems to run on a steam deck. Still makes no sense whatsoever to run eve on a handheld.
EDIT: and i’m not talking about derivatives like Eve Echoes which is designed to run on a handheld. But this is not my game at all.
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If you look at the hardware used to make the Steam Deck, it is basically a custom gaming laptop. It is surprising well designed for a first generation portable. Also I know there are videos about making a Switch into a Steam Deck, but I would never recommend it. Don’t install Linux OS on your Switch, it could be hazardous to the hardware. Also having to hack the Nintendo firmware will void your machine when you mess it up. If you can afford to own a Switch 2 device, I would just consider buying a PC, laptop, or Steam Deck instead. It will give you less grey hair as a result.
Fly safe o7
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