Fair wishes Seagull,
Thank you for the wonderful job you have done.
You did great things for this game and it was always a pleasure to see your enthusiasm in face of many challenges. Thanks a lot for being awesome and all the best for your future endeavours.
Family is important, thanks for all you’ve done for Eve!
Dont worry ya all, Sean Decker have his finger on the pulse for some time already. Yes, the EA guy. Just read the meeting minutes, its CCP Hellbunnie.
Take care and best of luck!
Sad to see you go.
Don’t forget to come visit!
–Gadget wishes you Fair Seas and Following Winds
see you in the space lanes ma’am. well, family goes first but i hope you can still participate in the game as a fellow player.
Farewell. Fly safe. Thanks for all the hard work.
Sad to see you leave. All the best for the future and your family.
See you soon capsuleer.
Dear CCP Seagul
thx very much for your support to eve and its players past the last years. i really appreciate what you did and hope that you will find peace and comfident when youre back in sweden.
your fellow eve gamer caroua crysalis
o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7
Thank you for the good work done.
Best of luck with family and new life back in Sweden.
Hello Seagull,
its sad, that you leave eve. Wish you the best for the future. Be as you are. Good Luck.
p.s. loved your shows.
Post must be at least 5 characters.
It was great to have you here, take care and best wishes on the family-oriented move!
(Oh, and please tell your flock of fanatic followers, the Wee-Gulls, that it’s okay and they can stop attacking the servers now…)
fairly new but, fly safe
from what i heard you did some good things, so here is my o7 to you.
I can haz your stuff?
F to pay respects
It was awesome meeting you and chatting at the MC Vegas suite a couple years back. Good luck in your future endeavors; you will be missed in EVE Online.
During your tenure, you changed a lot in EVE and made it fun again.
o7 I hope you’ll find peace and serenity with your family, CCP Seagull.
Not sure to what extend an “Executive Producer” signs off on stuff like new chat systems. So best of luck in your future endeavors and may you be blessed with projects that do not sh*t all over their user base.