Back in January I resigned from my position as Data Scientist at CCP, and now I’ve worked my notice. It’s been 6 years since I joined CCP and I can honestly say that EVE’s awesome player-base was a large factor in me staying for this long. Having played EVE so long, and sharing your passion for EVE Online has definitely made my job easier, but also in many ways harder.
I’ve tried unsuccessfully explaining to my friends and family how it feels to work for a video game company with so many passionate players, not to mention their unending love for graphs and data. Some of whom you get to meet at player gatherings, present to them on stage (clothed or not), be a guest on their tv/radio shows, and just be able to play a role in this awesome community. I’ve made some good friends amongst you guys, and am really going to miss you. A special love to my pub-crawling teams and every one of you I’ve ever had the pleasure of talking to! Maybe I’ll see some of you one last time on fanfest this year, as a player.
Also, worry not for I have left the Monthly Economic Report in the good hands of CCP Larrikin!
May the sun always shine on your path, and may clouds remind you of how sunny it can be outside of your basement. : - )
On a side note, i would love to have a comment from you on some certain study you guys (maybe not you personally being involved) about new player retention and pvp interactions did. Assuming a reply, i can let you know which one. I dare to be bold enough to ask…