CCP Seagull brought a lot content to the game that would have never have made it into the game. Because of love of the game she has left us with a monument that will ensure that she is remembered for years to come, until the very last bit of capacitor is left in the servers and on that day when the switch is finally thrown…on that day when the Eve Gate closes down forever trapping New Eden and its memories in a single shard Universe…leaving us to wonder what ever became of those valiant Capsuleers that breached the darkness across the span of time and space…leaving us wondering if they will make it…leaving us too wonder if they will ever make it back…and if we will ever find them again.
Thanks for all you done for the game and for us.
Held og lykke i dit nye hjem og med dit nye liv.
If you leave us can I come too…
Darn… well, good luck there.
I Glad to be Part of Eve Online. Thanks for being a Awesome Seagull.
Hey seagul , since you are leaving, can in have your stuff?
CCP Segul is Swedish O.o. That´s a suprise. Anway well come back to the land of bloody bad weather and people that don´t care the country is going to hell.
Vore jag du skulle jag stanna kvar i Island fan bättre än detta skit land.
o7 Fair seas and may the wind be on your back. You will be missed.
(and you decided on the name of my new Praxis battleship right here… “CCP Seagull”)
Vädret är fint nu, åtminstone i Skåne. Var hade du velat bo?
“EVE Online executive producer Andie Nordgren has announced his departure from Icelandic developer CCP Games.”
WelI… no cultural bias, sexism, or incompetent journalism there. Eurogamer failing at discourse since 1999.
How they dare assume the gender of a person.
Or do they?
Maybe its we who are not informed correctly.
Well, “Andie” is not exactly of the first 60 female names you’d think about…
(Also, here in Spain we have our struggle with how “Andrea” is a male name in Italian, but female in Spanish. You bet the mistakes are continuous, specially since Spanish articles don’t convey gender…)
DNA and 1500 years of state education disagree with you.
Yeah the latest reports talk about no less than 27 genders, and the list keeps growing.
Ps: j/k
Thank you for all your hard work. Best of luck raising the little ones.
This thread has served it’s purpose, and will be closed.