Mr Been Offically Working for CCP

Well I returned to eve to find all my accounts in the launcher removed but thats ok I can remember them “ummmm” then I spend about 30min re-entering them - 12 accounts, the next day i returned to find yup all accounts removed yet again. So the big question is when did you hire Mr Been because surely no coder is that stupid ? yes I remember the days when you let your 3yr old Daughter come to work and you deleted everyones Boot.ini but that was just a boo boo. I also remember the days when each 2hr upgrade we had 57hrs of emergency patches but come on this launcher is crap

PSSST ever think of doing a Microsoft and Borrow someone else Launcher, just saying :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think Mr Bean could deliver better results.

I still cannot drag my accounts around.

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A lot of people complaining kike if CCP arent traying to improve things. Come on.

you must be new here

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