multipul account discount , for players with more than one account.
10% off for 20 accounts or more.
Morally, no. Alts probably shouldn’t be promoted.
Financially, there are probably people that would get an extra account if they felt they were getting a discount.
Like people who do a cost-benefit analysis on industry, mining or PI alts.
1% off for every account you own.
101 accounts lets you play for free.
201 accounts makes CCP pay you to play.
1001+ account you become CCP CEO.
You need 3000 accounts just to get on the CSM.
There should be a discount for players who have a few accounts as possible (99% Joking 1% Serious)
Log in 365 days in a year, get 5% off your renewal.
I’m telling you, Xeux, login bots for Evergreen Rewards SP boosts and event rewards are probably a thing.
Those sweet, sweet 10/20 kestrel blueprints.
My ■■■■ is hard just thinking about them
F’ yeah single-run Kestrel BPCs
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