MWD Cloak Help

Gate camps with interceptors can also uncloak you - they just fly straight towards you, since you aren’t moving very fast.

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Thank you mate, this was my original question. And yes, luckily I have better skills than 0 :smiley: I tested my badger a little bit, and realized the perfect timing is to decloak when my MWD is above 90% of the cycle. Also I just realized the cargo hold expansion decrease my top speed. I assume this is not a problem, because I need to reach 75% of my top speed to jump in to warp right?
My problem with the perfect decloak is the game is very laggy at night for me. And I have 1-1,5 seconds to decloak and warp. With those nightly lags it is really a problem…
Time to train up to the Wreathe, and go back to business :smiley:

I found this build, which is incredible agile, but really vulnerable against smartbombs.
[Wreathe, Wreathe]
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Inertial Stabilizers I
Inertial Stabilizers II

Thermal Shield Amplifier I
Compact EM Shield Amplifier
Compact EM Shield Amplifier
Compact Kinetic Shield Amplifier
50MN Microwarpdrive I

Improved Cloaking Device II

Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Medium Higgs Anchor I

It has 0.1819 velocity with my current skills, which is really agile. Do I need that incredible velocity? I will test it.

Xeux: I know, this is why I have alts around my routes. I basically do other things, when there is a gatecamp. But this guy was cloaked at the gate… I think I will transfer my stuffs with my sunesis (align time bellow 2s) through that system.

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Vecamia is the new Niarja.

My last question is I see on the killmails, they use Pitfall Compact Warp Distruption Field Generator. As I know this is banned from empire space. Why are those on the killmails?

It’s not banned from Empire space. It has multiple modes and only the AoE “bubble” mode is banned. you can use it in the targeted “infinite point” mode in lowsec which is important for tackling supercapitals, and I guess any hauler that fit 7 warp core stabs or something.


That helps enormously. It also confirms I have been doing it wrong all this time.

I have been misreading the web pages and assuming I needed to reach a minimum of 75% of base speed to do cloak warp trick, when it is in fact the speed when cloaked that is more important. This has only come to a head for me when using the wreathe in LS. Even when cloaked its top speed doubles compared to base. So, for me, turning off my MWD too soon explains why I have been having trouble at camps.

Yes. This also explains what I have been noticing with the wreathe. Whereas my 4 sec align wreathe was not insta warping when I turned off MWD at 75% of base speed, the same ship with 5 cargoholds effectively was.

That’s not dissimilar to what I have been using, but without the Higgs. My variation has three levels of defence … 4 sec align time, cloak warp trick, 3x warp core stabs. And yet, I was approaching a gate camp recently and … just disappeared. Instantly. Dead to smart bombs.

Accidentally discovered one possible solution after that, when using a nereus. Same basic philosophy … 4 sec align time to preserve cloak during short distance gate jumps, cloak/ warp for camps, and then with core stabs as backup. Flew into a smart bomb camp with that fit, got hit by six of them and came thro with 50% structure. Just cause it had much higher native ehp than wreathe.

They are technically banned from Empire Space but only as Field generators. What you do is script them, so they lose the field (area of effect) and become targeted ie on just one ship. This is legalo and means you can be long pointed at 18 km with effectively infinite strength. This knocks out all your warp cores tabs and mean good cloak warp trick is all you have.

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Wow, thanks for the information. Man this game. I learn something new every day :smiley:
My final question is if I use my sunesis which is under 2s align time to ship my stuffs through dangerous systems, am I vulnerable against insta lockers right? A phobos with 3 sentinent sensor booster, and scan resolution script is an insta locker? Or an Arazu with 2 sensor boosters? If yes, it’s depends only from my luck, and network connetion right? These guys seems professionals, so maybe they modified their network parameters to lock everything, even insta warpers.

Sub-2s is a commonly held threshold for being safe, and it mostly is as it takes at least 1s for you to appear on their overview and 1 second to register the lock command. It isn’t perfect however (they can, with luck, register the tackle command before you leave grid in that second second if they are very fast), especially for people with higher latency trying to pass gate campers close to the servers in London.

The completely “safe” threshold is more like sub-1s, which can be reached with a few ships like an expensive Hecate with implants. But that is probably overkill for most things. Sub-2s is fine for almost all gatecamps, especially from some Russians further away from the server.

Just remember, smartbombs are a thing and the smaller, fast aligning ships also tend to be more squishy.


Thank you.

I think I will not risk 400+ mill again. Taking the long trip…

Yep, your ship speed with MWD and cloak turned on is what needs to reach your base align speed, before you can turn both off and warp away instantly. This also is the reason the MWD cloak trick is nearly impossible with a tier 1 cloak.

Correct, lower top speed is not relevant for align time.

(Unless you can somehow lower your top speed while you are already at speed, such as with a webbing alt or with a MWD/AB that turns off :stuck_out_tongue: )

I have been caught before in a sub-2s align tavel interceptor by some remote sensorboosting gatecampers, so try not to carry too much at once as you’re never invulnerable.

Sub-2s is considered mostly safe though, I just wouldn’t fly it in high sec in a corporation at war.

I bought my Wreathe, and tested. First the facts:

  • The velocity is about half of the badger’s velocity
  • The top speed is 127 m/s instead of 86 m/s lol
  • I could manage a nice 12k EHP on that
  • Align time is 4.85 which is almost half of the Badger’s align time.


I made almost 30 MWD+cloak jumps, and it seems the sweet spot is almost the same like with the badger. Decloaking at 85-90% is the perfect timing, when I see only the warp drive active message, and I’m in warp literally cloaked. I tried to deacloak at 70% but when I did that there was at least 1 tick warp drive activating message with the progress indicator, which is bad. So it seems the velocity is not affects the declaoak sweet spot, I could manage the perfect decloak jump maneouver with the badger, and the wreathe.
Of course the wreathe is a really agile and fast ship so I will use it for long routes in HS, when you need to cloak in a few systems (around Uedaman)

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