Thank you to all that showed up to the memorial service. The Astrahus will remain permanently above Colelie VI and access to the memorial itself within will be available to any and all that wish to visit to pay their respects. I will post the following transcripts of speeches made by individuals at the service below and in subsequent posts if need be. If I have missed any, feel free to message me or add below.
"Captains. Thank you all for joining us on this solemn occasion.
We have all gathered here to commemorate the Battle of Colelie, some six years ago. Many of us, such as myself, were not present here on that day. Others, whom I am thankful for making their presence known, were there at that fateful moment in our history. For those that are unaware of what occurred here six years ago, I am sure that you are eager to understand why we have all gathered here today so solemnly.
In this system, six years ago, a tragedy befell the Federation and the Republic. In the fallout of the mass shooting perpetrated by one Gerne Broteau, which left fifty-nine dead including Sebiestor Tribal Chief, Karin Midular, an armada from the Republic Fleet crossed the border into this system, where they were met by a force from the Federation Navy. Initially words were exchanged between the two forces. Attempts at keeping the peace failed. Shots were fired, and the Battle of Colelie had begun. In the space of forty minutes, tens of thousands of Federation and Republic service personnel lost their lives in a fratricidal affair, the effects of which are still felt today.
This was a flashpoint in time that threatened the very existence of the alliance between the Federation and the Republic that had stood the test of time for over a century. A century of co-operation, collective achievement and security between all and for those that make them their home. An alliance which has acted as a bulwark against those that would bring darkness upon the skies of our worlds, providing a century of mutually beneficial protection.
Indeed, some on both sides cried out for the immediate dissolution of that age-old alliance, citing this regrettable affair as irrefutable proof that neither party was acting in good faith to the other. That, over the still smouldering wreckage of the dreadnaughts in orbit around this very planet we are at right now, it was time for the Federation and the Republic to part ways.
That was six years ago.
Thankfully, calmer and collected heads prevailed, acting as the beacon that guided us out of that dark chapter of our shared history. Time and the years that have past have applied salve to our wounds. The relationship between the Federation and the Republic, despite being strained from time to time, is no less strong than it was from its inception. Our economies are intertwined, our peoples of all identities and creeds wander freely wherever they may wish to go, their fundamental rights as human beings respected.
To this end, we honour the sacrifice of those that lost their lives here on the seventh of May, YC115. Whether they were Gallente or Matari, Federation Navy or Republic Fleet personnel or the crew of independent capsuleers, we will remember them in equal terms as proud sons and daughters of the nations they served with courage and valour in their hearts. Their deaths, as tragic as they were, were not in vain. They reminded us of our fallibility, of our pride, of our grief and of our love. It is also a poignant reminder that we must endeavour to never raise arms against each other again, for we are an interstellar family that is the envy of the cluster, and family does not fight one another.
I would like to close this speech by paraphrasing a memorial that I visited upon Cephalin several months ago.
‘Those that shed their blood, fell and lost their lives here, you are now resting in the skies of a friendly place. Therefore, may your spirits find a peaceful rest in eternal vigilance over us all. There is no difference between those that died to us, regardless of allegiance, where they now reside side by side in this land of ours. Fathers and mothers, who sent their children from far away, wipe away your tears. Their spirits are one with ours now. And having lost their lives on this land, they shall become our children as well.’
Let us never forget those that lost their lives here. May their memory guide as, just as the memories of those that came before them guide us. This memorial, whilst it cannot bring those we lost back to us, ensures that their legacy will live on with all of us."
- Edward ‘Mantel’ Adams
"I, like some others here, were not a part of these events. I won’t presume to know how anyone who was there felt that day or even feels sitting here today. In the last, almost two years, I’ve been with Electus Matari, I have been exposed to some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. I’ve seen their joys, their anger and even their sorrows. And they’ve become my own joys, anger and sorrows. This day we are here to commemorate, strikes the latter in a way that is difficult to describe with words. That much I do know.
I find myself in an interesting position as a member of Electus Matari, being a Federal citizen. I am living proof that our people can and are ready to move beyond this event, begin to heal. Make it so that when we fly through Colelie, we don’t feel that dreadful sinking feeling in the stomach reminding us of the atrocities that occurred and instead look to this Astrahus, this beacon of hope that the future holds beautiful things in store for the Republic and the Federation as we continue to work together."
- Azazel Drakonis
I’m sorry I missed it. I’d hoped to attend, but the last 48h have shown a marked shift in our organizational optempo that required my involvement.
For any who missed the event, accessing my bio-page from your Neocom while connected should have a link to the Memorial’s coordinates for those interested in visiting.
The memorial site itself was beautifully done. I understand we had Charles to thank for the memorial room itself?
I want to thank all organizers of this Memorial structure and the opening event yesterday. I am proud to have Freedom’s Gate decommissioned to such a noble cause of peace, and to see such beautiful and thought-provoking memorial site exhibited on the station.
We who fight for freedom should never fight each other. Never again another Long Night.
Elsebeth Rhiannon
CEO, SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
To those of you that organised this I would like to say thank you and well done.
The memorial room; after waking this morning, my thoughts quickly went back there.
It’s one of the better monuments I’ve seen: thought provoking, haunting, disturbing…though part of my feelings are likely due to me having been the disturber (ironically, but perhaps also fitting).
I’ve sometimes wished I was at Colelie before the battle, so I could have tried to prevent it…but like I said, I don’t think it would have mattered. And now I’ve ended the peace that was.
It would not have. Not because you would have done a bad job, but because nothing any of us said mattered. Someone was out for blood - or out to cause an international incident, if you believe some theories - and that decided the day.
Update: It is my pleasure to announce that the YC115 Battle of Colelie Memorial station was visited by Sebiestor Tribal Chief Acassa Midular several days ago, as reported by The Scope’s Galactic Hour. We are truly thankful that such an honoured guest would make their presence known on board, and it is our sincerest hope that Chief Midular found the memorial to her liking.
As of the time of writing, we have not received any indication that any Federal officials have visited the memorial station. It remains open to any and all visitors to the Colelie system.
It is a beautifully conceived and executed installation, congratulations and thanks to those behind it. It is so heartening to see a joint effort between allies to heal these mutual wounds.
For those who have not yet visited, I would recommend taking the time.
This being visited the memorial, finally. It was a nice experience and the memorial was so highly accurate that you could see the best of the federation and the republic in action to create a perfect reconstruction of all single details of that event. Similar ones should be remembered forever, mainly for the future generations.
Last update: The increase of security and defenses of the memorial is highly recommended if not required due to the triglavian invasion. The station has been targeted by them and they have also launched an attack (fortunately failed). Don’t leave they wreck important symbols like this!
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