Hello intrepid explorers and scholars of New Eden history! Today we would like to request your ideas and inspiration.
In 2021 the EVE living world events team is exploring the possibility of adding some new landmark locations to the game alongside some events that help introduce players to the world of New Eden and it’s numerous interesting places to visit. These sorts of landmarks can take all sorts of forms, and can be connected to EVE NPC lore, to player history, or just to background worldbuilding. Basically if it’s a location Mark726 might blog about, then it’s the sort of location we’re interested in adding and highlighting as part of this project.
We’re making our own internal list of ideas for the sorts of landmark locations that we might want to add to the game with brainstorming feedback from across the CCP teams, and we’d also like to ask for your help to add to the list. Is there a location mentioned in the lore that you would love to see represented as a location ingame? Is there a bit of player history connected to specific locations that you could imagine as the destination of future Eve University field trips? Is there a cool space location that would help flesh out the workings of New Eden and show players a perspective on the world they’ve never seen before?
Post your ideas in this thread, and we’ll combine the player community ideas with the CCP internal ones when we create the backlog of potential locations to add next year. Thanks!