Name Our Meeting Rooms Contest - The Results!

Hilmar as Warlock
The other 2 are Falcon and Guard


one of my other friends logged in today, and started talking about getting materials to finish building an Occator. The blueprint is a leftover from inventing the BPC I used to build my own. Occators and friends strike again!


Honored to be one of the chosen submissions. I hope the “Hecate” Meeting room triggers many discussions over the proper pronunciation of my favorite Gallente glass cannon. :smile:


Dude, take your negative troll-ass crap somewhere else.

What the hell, you’re not even mature enough to congratulate your fellow capsuleers for winning a contest? This thread is about recognizing and honoring them for that.

By the way, I don’t recall you offering any name submissions for the contest. Or maybe you did and because you didn’t win, you’re now pissing vinegar.

Personally the reason why doesn’t matter, if you can’t be civilized and at least post something positive then just don’t post anything at all.

Heh-kah-tay is my preferred pronunciation, but… I’m no Greek expert. Took 3 years of Latin and only half a year of Greek in HS. So I’m pronouncing it like it’s Japanese due to living there for 3 years in MS, lol.

Congrats to you and all the other winners!

(still think it shoulda been solar systems but if it had to be ship names, those were some good’uns, guys!)

I had a few but decided against it because like everything else CCP - They just don’t like imagination.

“Gee Wiz”, I sent in a suggestion using a fukin ship name and won a competition CCP had already decided what suggestions were going to win.
Tell me CCP hadn’t already decided what names they wanted and the first suggestions that met their predetermined criteria aren’t the winners.
I wonder how many submissions they had to go through to find just the right ones to meet their criteria.,. (now that would be an interesting metric - for CCP to change to meet their own agenda)

Nowhere in the title of the thread does it say I have to agree with another of CCP’s poorly thought out ideas.
And seriously one of the biggest trolls on these forums calling someone else a troll for speaking out about something else they disagree with.

NB; I do congratulate the winners on getting something for nothing, that’s always a plus - Seems there really is no-one left at CCP with an original thought or imagination.

Screw you and the troll ship you flew in on, this thread is not the place for you to air your petty grievances with CCP.

You can post your bitter replies in the Official Feedback threads.

Yesterday evening I was very pleasantly surprised and speechless, that is why I could only reply with emogi.

Thank you CCP folks, for the honor you are giving us! :heart: :rocket:

This contest and the other recent contests, events and communications really show how the dialogue and interactions between players and devs have positively improved over the years. Let’s keep this up!


At least Boaty McBoatface didn’t win.

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I guess CCP making a dev blog with a thread to post in regarding said Dev blog ISN’T a feedback thread according to you.

Trolling and Fanboy time is up - Time for you to move on.

Dude, what’s your problem, does this thread have ‘Feedback’ included in the title? No it doesn’t. The threads that have ‘Feedback’ included in the title is the place to post your viewpoint.

I’m a CCP Fanboy? Even though I’m a fan of the game, I’m certainly not that. Hell, there’s lot’s of things they’ve done that I don’t like and I post my opinion about it in the proper ‘Feedback’ threads.

This thread is to congratulate and give recognition to fellow capsuleers who won a contest. Please stop sh*tting on their parade.

Just some friendly advice: If you’d ignore his post it would be just one random post in the countless others, but now it is several posts and probably will be even more. All you achieve by this back and forth is give more visibility to the posts you are against and derail the thread further. I think a better approach is just to ignore such posts if they are a single post letting them voice their opinion and have the thread move on in good shape instead.

Yeah, you’re probably right.

However there’s a time and place for everything and this thread definitely isn’t the place for him to post his complaints about CCP.

Anyway, I apologize for my part in it, from now on I’ll just report it.

What a pleasant surprise, awesome :slight_smile: Looking forward to hopefully get the chance to take a selfie next to my sign if I happen to be a lucky selected winner.

Such an honor!



30!! new meeting rooms to find…it’s going to take years…YEARS!! :weary: :expressionless: :pleading_face: :confounded:


Make bookmarks of them for immediate warp in. :wink:


Make a map as you go… in case you have to go back that way again, it’ll make things easier.

I thought submissions had to be 125words or less?
2 of the winners had over 150??

The text should be around 100-125 words per ccp’s statement


  • Text must be between 100-125 words.

As stated these were guidelines. Not rules. Meaning that you have a bigger chance of winning if you comply, but not that you can’t win if you exceed it.
Besides they also said they would clean up the winning texts : correct language errors, shorten them if needed, …

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