Need help with " Balancing the Books (2 of 10) "

I am doing a Business Career mission, but the site i am going to doesnt let me use my ibis nor anything i can afford. what do i do?
Ship restrictions:

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Your Ibis is a Corvette. You’re good to go :slight_smile:


I cant use that either

Yes, you can. A Corvette is a category of ships- your Ibis is a Corvette.

For this mission, you fit a salvager to your ship, and salvage the wreck in the pocket.

Are you getting some kind of error when you try to warp into the mission pocket?

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I tried to go there with my ibis but it doesnt give me the option to warp to the site

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It doesnt even come up in the overview

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Right click in space and look for the Agent Mission entry, and it will give you an option to warp to the site. You should also see a mission info box on the left side of your display that will give you an option to warp to it.

The site itself will not show up in your overview, but once you warp to the site (the pocket) you will see the wreck you need to salvage on your overview.


Ill try, thank you for the reply :slight_smile:


It worked, thank you so much.


Awesome! Good luck with the rest of the missions, and if you have more questions, feel free to ask :slight_smile:


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