July 8, 2021, 2:56pm
Character currently in npc corp and located in Jita
91.6mil SP
Great exploration character that can fly a JF with max skills and is approx one day from a Rorq. Fantastic Tengu or Legion pilot
No Killrights
Positive security rating
No bad standings
Wallet isk is 0
Three jump clones.
Starting bids - 50bil
Reserve - 65bil
Buyout - 72bil
July 10, 2021, 10:01am
Girl Talk, tried to eve mail you but it comes up saying “I’m not allowed to contact you”?
(Girl Talk)
July 10, 2021, 12:02pm
Uhhh very strange. Haven’t had any issues before and you aren’t on a block list or anything.
I sent you an email from another character/account.
Thanks for the latest bid @Velen_Oitti_Saisima . Going to close this auction Wednesday evening at 20:00 so it doesn’t drag on.
1 Like
Daily bump, auction ends 20:00 tonight, will decide whether to sell at that point but looking for more than 51b.
So how do you decide? Continue the auction or close, I’m waiting
I don’t think I can come up with the money, so I’m out.
I’d like to go back to Girl Talk 52B.
I’m so sorry.
60 bill will be my only offer, buyout, 24 hours to respond
November 1, 2021, 7:00am
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