New Facial Augmentation (face mask)

Just crap to keep the children happy.
Instead of fixing the game they’re adding cosmetics :roll_eyes:

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Ship skin and clothing that you will never see is all this current set of DEVS are capable of. The DEVS at CCP no longer create, they only know how to nerf, destroy and generate plex revenue. People that buy PLEX and skill injectors are far worse than BOT CHEATERS. At least a BOT CHEATER faces risk. Those that get wealthy off of PLEX face zero risk for their wealth. CCP support no risk game play if it generates revenue. CCP attacked its customers for risk free game play but sold risk free game play with every PLEX and skill injector all day, everyday. There is no risk to the player while skill training with skill injectors and there is no risk for the player when they get wealthy off of PLEX.


so if i buy plex from the market i am…bad ?
nice shitty logic

CCP logic 101, its an ISK facet that faces no risk at all. Nothing faces less risk than buying plex to get wealthy in EVE. Don’t be like those BOT cheaters and AFK people that CCP created ORE redistribution and scarcity for. Like CCP said, you destroyed the economy with risk free game play.

No it isnt

i am buying my 500 plex from jita, by your logic, i have to essentialy play as a perma alpha

I pay cash to play, I’m not a cheater who is destroying the economy by supporting a system that creates risk free wealth.

you are entitled to your opinion, i play to get my plex and is not risk free as you try to make it sound

I’m confused, usually I can tell the difference but with you I don’t know whether you’re trolling or whether you actually believe the things you say.

Its not my opinion, its CCP’s opinion that risk free wealth is bad for the economy.

But… plex from the market is not ‘risk free wealth’.

Also plex is not an isk faucet.

Stop being so wrong, please. I’m getting a headache.

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I am not trolling, its CCP logic that risk free wealth is bad for the economy and the EVE ecosystem. Thats exactly why CCP punished all miners with the ore redistribution and scarcity update. Miners and ratters are considered risk free ISK faucets. So if my career path was destroyed, I want to makes sure all risk free ISK faucets are stopped by CCP. Its only fair that if miner and ratters are being hated on for risk free game play, those who face zero risk to get wealthy face equal hate. Time to shut that risk free isk faucet off.

I dont think you know what an Isk Faucet is.

In what way to PLEX or Miners bring isk into existence? They simply move already existing Isk from other sources.

What’s up with all the new trolls lately? So many more than usual.

I think that guy just want the thread blocked and is probably someone paid

Actually, that’s a great idea since skins and clothing add zero pvp content to EVE.


My mining alt has one, now she looks like a Nightsister. or a clown…

What on earth has that to do with whether PLEX is a faucet or not?

PLEX is an ISK faucet, just like CCP said mining and ratting were. Only difference is, ratters and miners actually face risk for their ISK and the guy who buys a plex or skill injectors faced ZERO risk for their game play. Even BOT and AFK players face risk in the game where as PLEX and SKILL injectors are the only game play in EVE to face ZERO risk. If CCP is going to create an environment of hate for miners and ratters, than the people that buy PLEX and SKILL injectors should face that same hate. So I am given out CCP sponsored hate for risk free game play and those who milk the risk free ISK faucet. This is the way.