New launcher... new Linux error?

Upstream patch submitted to Wine!

Big thanks to the CodeWeavers team for helping us troubleshoot and quickly delivering a fix :slight_smile:


Quick Arch Linux wine-staging build:

GitHub - Caffe1neAdd1ct/arch-wine-staging-pkgbuild: Temp package with patch for arch linux wine staging

I’ll grab copies of vanilla wine and proton tonight and get some PKGBUILDs done, might also upload to github the finished package files in case people don’t want to hammer their machines with building wine from source :confused:

Massive thanks to @Renard_DuGaulle and the peeps over at WineHQ :slight_smile:

PS if you run EVE in Wine, send @Renard_DuGaulle some ISK to replace all the time spent fixing, testing and collaborating on this, i’m sure the ISK will be used wisely :laughing:


Very nice, works again! Thanks @Renard_DuGaulle for your great work!

Here is how to apply the patch on Gentoo:

$ mkdir -p /etc/portage/patches/app-emulation/wine-staging-6.12
$ curl > /etc/portage/patches/app-emulation/wine-staging-6.12/eve-launcher.patch
$ emerge =app-emulation/wine-staging-6.12


PS if you run EVE in Wine, send @Renard_DuGaulle some ISK to replace all the time spent fixing, testing and collaborating on this, i’m sure the ISK will be used wisely :laughing:

Not necessary, but I appreciate the thought! Big thanks to @Lycan_King_Tawate for diving in to help debug and bounce ideas back and forth as well!


Built package for Arch Linux wine-staging 6.13-1 with the patch included available if you don’t want to wait for the patch to make it through or heat your PC up in this weather :sweat_smile:

Release Fix for EVE launcher not starting · Caffe1neAdd1ct/arch-wine-staging-pkgbuild · GitHub


Awesome guys!

I can confirm that the patch worked for me. I am able to update the windows Launcher and then start my accounts … no problem. It is on custom build of stable wine 6.0 on Fedora.


You should return to whatever the hell you came from, nobody asked your opinion.

Thanks for your work and thanks to anyone else that helped. :slight_smile:

Can you, or someone else, please, provide a simple guide for installing it on Ubuntu based Linux (I use Kubuntu)?

I am fairly new to Linux, (never looking back to Windows), can follow instructions for konsole input, but not familiar with standard procedure when it comes to editing wine stuff.

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Can you, or someone else, please, provide a simple guide for installing it on Ubuntu based Linux (I use Kubuntu)?

Is using steam an option? That might be an easier route until the next stable wine release. Unfortunately they just tagged wine 6.13 a day or two ago so it may be a bit before the patch makes it into a stable release.

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Not sure if I can use Steam. I use Lutris.

Thanks for info. I plan to wait for the stable release. My work situation doesn’t allow me to play much anyway.

Using Steam is dead easy on linux.
You just go to the steam page, and click install on the website.
That will give you a download that you should be able to install on most distros.

Just give it a try, it might work right out of the box.

Sure, will give it a try, thanks.

it works with 5.0 version

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I havent tried Steam yet. I prefer Lutris since CPU usage is very low compared to the Linux launcher. I run 5 clients with 50-55% cpu on lutris and 80% on the linux launcher. Curiosly, the GPU temps are the same on both. Oh, Im still getting the black boxes when warping to a combat site, Im on dx11, from what I remember… in dx9 doesnt show, but then it looks worse. I could try Steam, but then Id have 3 eve installs…

Are there ubuntu instructions on how to deploy the patch? Would this patch also work with Lutris?

FYI the Linux Launcher on my Ryzen5 3600 is good for scanning and keeping eyes/intel, but to do actual things sucks. I normally run 5 clients on Lutris with about 55% CPU usage, and with the Linux Launcher Im sitting at 85%, and somehow I closed 2 clients, and I was still lagging while doing relic/data sites. It was horrible.

So, I tried the launcher swap, is not exactly a swap, it actually asked me to install the game, so decided to do a new install, it downloads the 2.5GB of stuff, and then its up and running. Back in EVE with one client at 11% (and firefox, music, discord)… really no problems. Tomorrow I’ll copy the profiles and run a 2nd test, see if it does behave as before, but it should be.

With regards to the black boxes it seems that some more people, possibly also on Windows have these problems, there are several reports in this threat:

However, they do not happen on my Ubuntu, Wine, DXVK, DX11, Nvidia system. So it might be a gfx driver issue related to the used hardware?

I dont know, it could be. I remember back when we didnt have Lutris… that I was getting the black boxes on dx11, but since I usually ran the game on dx9 it didnt bother me much. That untill I saw how pretty ships are in dx11 vs dx9 :wink:

But tomorrow I’ll ran the usual tests with Lutris and see if its working as well as it was running before. I dont know why CPU usage is so high for my current system, but running 3 clients and just trying to hack a relic was horrible. I kinda would expect that from my old quad core, but this is 6/12 and 32gigs ram.

Anyways, we’ll see tomorrow, its near 3am here. NN.

I’m going to try and re-install Eve on my Mint 21 system. I currently have Wine 6.01, do i need to upgrade that to a later version ?

I used to have the ‘black-box’ problem when I first started running Eve on my ancient PC. I fixed it by switching-off or minimising one of the graphics option, but unfortunately I don’t remember which… :blush:

Expect the launcher not to work with current wine or wine staging. See here for a solution:

As a ticket is already submitted we hope that the next wine staging release will contain a fix to run the current Eve launcher.