New player experience

It would be interesting if you could catch capsules instead of destroying them.
Or give them a lift in a mutual ship like a bus line from Amarr to Jita and back every ten minutes.

What for?
I read that some pilots hold a ship hostage until the capsuleer pays a ransom or his ship is destroyed so the idea already exists and has been done before?

What is the point of that?

Or are you just making fun of me?

@Drixie_Trix I don’t think so, it sounds to me like @Pierre_de_Bricassart wants this more like the stand alone free game “Endless Sky”. I don’t play it myself, but my husband has told me, you can capture ships and do passenger runs for credits. Running a taxi or shuttle service would not work in Eve, since you can travel back to home base in the blink of an eye by self-destruct. I run shipments from Amarr to Jita, then I exit the hauler and sell the hauler and the contents. Flip open my character sheet and self destruct the clone. I disappoint a lot of the gate campers. If you have augments in your skull, just use a jump clone.

Have fun!


It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done the career missions, but I do think that the tutorial shouldn’t require outside assistance. If it does, that’s a problem IMO.

Yeah lol CCP get rid of that ■■■■.

I did try that game last year. I didn’t like it. Too much micromanagement.

That’s why I thought he might have been making fun of me. A taxi service would never work in EVE since the capsuleer has to own the ship in order to be in it.

I did that a couple of times to move stuff from career agent system to Lowsec.


Exactly. Have to plan a bit because you can only use jump clone once every 24h(?)

Fly Safe!

I don’t know you, I thought about that idea, what can be done this way, just some brainstorming, without any judgement. What a pity your leeriness overweighs your phantasy.

It’s just my experience. In several occasions a bunch of players wants to reach the same spot without dedicated ships, eg for defensive action or an event. Many of the players just take the autopilot in a shuttle. Why not taking a bus? Of course the actual game mechanics would have to be changed.

And the ransom idea is not working because of self destruct. Also I think the griefing possibilities are too dangerous to have a try.

And as I tell anyone who’s asking for a change of rules, now I have to tell myself: There is a better place for ideas, this is not a new player issue. Player Features & Ideas - EVE Online Forums

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@Pierre_de_Bricassart I understand.
Thank you for your explanation.

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