First of all, i like the game but it do not like me then …
I play around +15 days, watch 100h of videos about it in many subjects to understand everything.
i am 46 years old and i play video game since 6, so i am not a kid and i really like to invest myself into universe, guild, craft… i simply, resign today.
i hope GM and DEVS will look at this message to understand why new players have no chance in this game. No chance at all. And will not stay. My friend resign yesterday and 2 of our friends resign in less than 5 days 1 month ago.
The tutorial “career agents” are good to get some small amount of money, but for the understanding of this complex universe career agents are useless as a dick on a pope.
Musics of the game are in loop and play only 4 to 5 musics since 11 days. I have to use the PLAYER into internet to have more musics, and honestly, you can do way better.
Jump, Warp, jump, warp, 500 times per day is not interesting, time consuming it is not a jump / warp simulator. Honestly clone are a good idea to move faster but 1 times per day is a pure joke and i can’t bear more jump gate and loose 50% of my playtime if not more into this.
you do not give us the knowledge to understand properly the game. Even my stuff is lvl 2 it is not mean i can do mission lvl 2. Some just eradicated me in 2 seconds. Why, i will never know. I was doing sister of eve, LVL 1 mission with a well developed SKYBREAKER and i was OS at the entrance of the mission. Nice.
And this is exactly what i hate into any video game in history, where is the warning ?
Why 1 mission before i was killing the enemies like they was not there and the next one i am OS at the entrance ? For a game who definitely destroy your ship and equipment, super nice.
I came back 46 jump away and never go again to SOE.
**Is that so complicated to send us a message like : **
"Your shield and Ships are too low for this missions, enter at your own risk ?"
INSURANCE what the hell ? 700k for a ship who cost 200 millions are you f*cking kidding me ?
what the point. Are you aware if your house burn, your insurance will cover the house and the furniture inside ? It is ridiculous and stupid, because the way to keep your new players is HERE. Insure for the cost of the full ships + modules + … and if you die you loose the loot and that"s all. If your pod is destroyed ok you loose more
Super cruiser end game ship who are OS the new players in loop at some HIGH sec like ORSIS III , and you loose 200 millions in a blink, you do not even know what happen
Missions rewards are ridiculous. Loyalty point are so low to farm that’s the agent will be lvl 3 when i can’t afford a ship to do the missions … super… and if i am killed in the process i can’t play any more.
I decide to write this message because i was on the website of an ISK seller close to buy 10 billions and say to myself “what the point ?” Even i have money i do not have any more will to do it.
Your game and the gameplay system into it destroy my will to play it. I will not farm a faction or a place 30000h for a ship or something i can loose in 0.3 second. That’s stupid.
i have more than 70 days left on my account, i will never came back to use them.
I regret wasting my time and my money. I will not advice any of my friends to play this game the normal way.
So to be simple, you have a very beautiful game, the mechanics are old but strong. The customization is awesome. The Commerce and economics are even more complex than wall street and get us the possibility to do almost anything. OK - BUT - we can’t as new players. We can’t even understand the basics for us who are not the same basics for you.
If only it will have a place where pvp was forbidden like 1/4 of the galaxy and a real learning curve about every aspect of the game it will be incredible, but as now 07 2021, it is a mess into a wormhole hiding behind a galaxy. And this is way way too complex too much time consuming and way too hard to progress properly. How is it possible to progress when you win 10 and you loose 20 and need to spend 40 ? And all that into a maze of information.
Just a simple example, where did you find BPO’s ? Good luck to find this information on internet or even into the game because 3000 tutorials about how to create stuff but nothing about how to find the BP.
i do not care about BPC’S i want BPO. and apparently i will never get them because i did not find the information about it. it cost me almost 24h irl to go to the fact: "fck that, too complicated to find any real information about that, i will do other things" It made me angry because i craft in any video game in history. Is that too complicated AGAIN to say : You get BPO here ! Or simply in any BPC add an icon saying : To get this original BP you need to : “do that, go there, event … anything” but NO
buy the copy’s at the market sorry but : NO. If these masters are so valuable, why the fck did you not explain properly where they are and how to get them ? IT IS IN ANY MMO GAME IN HISTORY !
It is a video game not a real world job and to understand at minimum 40% of the game it takes me more time than i have played the game, what the hell.
*eve online was for me the worst experience i ever had into any video game in history. *
i am honestly happy to resign, it is like throwing a bag of bricks who was strapped into my back.
i honestly do not care about loosing billions, i can afford them. My point is not here.
There is not point to play a game just to re-buy the same stuff over and over or farm 25000h to loose it and redo it again. This is the definition of insanity! Something is very wrong with this game.