New player PVP

Hello I am a very new player myself and the best advice I was given from a great player is to get an Alt and start shooting anything you can find keep engaging players till the nervousness and the hand shaking stops that way when you do get fired upon you will not freeze. I am still learning this myself also look up tactics such as slingshot, dead warping also look up how to navigate to use moons to bounce off of sometimes this can help in avoiding warp bubbles.



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Good say, sir. Firstly, welcome to EVE Online. I hope you benefit from your time playing, how ever much or little time that ultimately turns out to be. And, I wish you good luck.

Now, as for your post, I have quoted two parts of what you said and would like to point out that they are inconsistent with one another. As a new player, you do not have the experience to know what makes a “great” player. You do not have the game experience to know what advice is “best”.

I assume whoever gave you the advice also TOLD you they were a “great” player and that it was THE “best” advice, or at least THEIR best advice. But, they may not have been truthful. And, they may not have been correct.

I may not be a great player, but I have played for a pretty long time. One of the things I tell people is that they should avoid the term “best”. Another thing I tell people is that they should be careful about who they trust, that trusting and believing the wrong person is the second worst mistake they can make in EVE. Finally, you should not risk more than you are ready to lose.

Those are my advice on PVP. With regards to spaceship combat, you should fight to win. Always cheat in any way you can get away with. Don’t lose and avoid losing your ship and avoid dying if you can help it. Practically, this means do more damage than your opponent can survive. Have more tank than your opponent can overcome. Shoot farther and more accurately, be faster, have more viable options than your opponent. Understand them better. Prevent them from understanding you.
You and your ship have the right to survive and anyone who tells you otherwise or somehow challenges this survival should cease to exist.

Have fun!

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Fastest way to learn is to watch other people pvp while explaining what they are doing and then buying tons of low cost ships and welping them all for experience:

These guys talk a lot and you can learn tons just by watching their stuff :]

If you want to be blown away with perfect flying try this dudes vids:

Watching Streamers is pretty good too.


Thank you for posting the videos :hugs:


yeah this is wrong straight up.

Anyway, just go into lo-sec first, learn there. Play around, learn your DSCAN, etc. it is not all about just shooting peeps in the face. it is also knowing or figuring out your playing field. Learn to dscan, very important. It teaches you how to hunt and how to keep alive.

As far as anything else, fly what you can afford to lose, try not to swing up above your weight. Fly what you are well trained in, and fly what you enjoy.

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I think I was to use low end ships with my Alt that way my security status would not matter

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Thank you

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[quote=“Yonna_Leczarovitz, post:10, topic:177508”]
Your security status changes according to your actions regardless the sort of ship you fly.

But he probably meant to use the Alt as “trash”, I mean do whatever you want with it since that Alt is disposable. It makes more sense that way.

Thank you I happy with any information you provide :grinning:

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I was thinking of making lots of bookmarks to get safely to null but now I think think that would be a lot of bookmarks :frowning:



To be fair my guns are aimed at everyone equally.also if i kill someone who is only a month old or less i will convo them and give them some tips and ISK.

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I never look at someones history before i shoot someone, NBSI, and with in the “Rules” of the game.

Keeps it simple

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Join something like red vs blue for a while to get a feel for small gang and solo pvp in cheap ships. They are great fun to fly with.

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good advice, keep it coming