New Player

Started the game a few days ago did all the basic agent jobs now looking to join a corp not sure what i really want to do so open to any style of corp that will accept a new player.

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Look up Brave Newbies my guy. They’ll hook you up.


We can take you in and show you the ropes at The Order of Omerta. We got other newbros and returning players here and we can teach you fw, pvp, pve and mining/indy. We can help you learn and support you.

We’re an older group of gamers in our 40s to 60s mostly so drama free.

If interested come by and chat The Order of Omerta

We have a high sec training corp that will help you and support you as you continue to skill into the game. Our main corp is a null sec pvp corp so if that’s what you end up wanting to do you would have a place with us.

Come chat on discord
And check out our ad


Hi Crow Mabata,

Spice Mining Defenders are recruiting new and returning players. Info below -

A bit about ourselves:

We are a Corporation who focuses on industrialist activities, or more specifically mining!

But not only that! We offer opportunities for group Fleet PVP at various times if you are more interested in combat.

We are a new player friendly corp and don’t mind if you are an alpha pilot! Please make sure you are 18 years old before joining!

What we can offer you!

  • Mining/Industry/Hauling Corporation
  • Daily Mining Fleets
  • New Player Alpha & Omega welcome
  • Alliance Buyback Service
  • Moon Mining! (Ore from moons that are almost 10x the value of normal ore!)
  • Experienced players to help you take your first step into the world of eve
  • 5% tax rate (npc corps or your starting corp tax is 11%!)
  • Part of a large Alliance to explore the WHOLE game for PVE & PVP
  • Active corp and alliance chat & discord

Want more information?

Contact us in game, mail me or search for - Spice Mining Defenders Corporation

Also you can get in touch below on Discord -

If you have any questions about anything I mentioned above or want further details about our corporation, feel free to join the discord and ask me! Our goal is to help aspiring new eve players and industrialists, not only get familiar with the eve environment, but also become experienced and more importantly, wealthy players.

New Player Information

There is no rush to get to the Corp Homebase. We advise you to finish the tutorials and Agency Career Missions but we can still help you along the way if you join.

Thank you for your time,

Fly safe and have a good day o7

Official Recruiter of the Spice Mining Defenders Corporation

Take a look at our corp we are recruiting all types of pilots

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