New “Triglavian” ship being added soon, speculation

So I brought this up on the Eve subreddit, but the faction name’s inspiration might be related to Triglav, the “Three-Headed One” or “Three-Headed God”, which a quick and lazy Wikipedia shows is a deity of Slavic theology that serves as an overseer and ruler of a heaven, and earthly plane, and an underworld. Probably merits some deeper investigation, but if this is indeed the inspiration it would suggest a faction made up of a collective of powerful individuals that believe themselves to be masters of the known universe.

Also of interest is the CONCORD video released yesterday. Part of the footage shows a a red orb or swirling energy, which looks pretty similar to that seen in the medium and large hulls. Given this, they definitely seem involved.

They seem to be Amarr hulls only insomuch as they use the Amarr nebulae as their portrait background, and probably incorporate some Amarr tech (current masteries reported to involve armor tanking and energy turrets, but are likely subject to change). But, lore-wise, I doubt they have much to do with the Amarr.

So basically what I’ve seen are two running theories: (1) This is somehow tied to CONCORD’s recent rumored research into anti-Drifter tech that we may see provided to capsuleers or otherwise involved in events that incorporat NPC-NPC faction fighting using the new AI CCP’s been developing, or (2) this may be some kind of overseer faction, perhaps even a branch of The Order/Enheduanni, bringing the Drifters back into check (at least at first). My money’s on the latter, given the implied arrogance of the name. Or at the very least, it’s a faction that has been influenced behind the scenes by the Enheduanni.

The Three-Headed One at the Crossroad: A Comparative Study of the Slavic God Triglav