Today is Easter and we eat eggs. The best eggs are the Golden Eggs, a pod worth more than 1b ISK. Let’s get out and hunt for those eggs.
And don’t forget that New Order Logistics is recruiting!
We even have a “Golden Egg” medal… so it is not all bad!
If you do are waiting to join, whilst we are processing your application, you can buy shares to support the good work!
Even @Lahnius has bought 1000 New Order Shares this month!
And he gets his own Supreme Protector’s Tip of the Hat™ too!
I bet he feels special! I remember my first Tip…
I’ve got a few of them now, and each one was a moment worth savouring.
If you join the New Order family, there are many directions you can grow in. There are many opportunities for all kinds of social (and otherwise) interactions with your fellow players. It’s a blast!
If you are stuck for something to do… if you are getting burnt out on your high sec mining main… why not try it! We take Alpha accounts, no problem! Pretty much everything we do can be done with an Alpha - no barriers to participation!
Praise James and sign up today!
So good it is worth saying twice:
If you are stuck for something to do… if you are getting burnt out on your high sec mining main… why not try it! We take Alpha accounts, no problem! Pretty much everything we do can be done with an Alpha - no barriers to participation!
Praise James and sign up today!
Praise James and Gank!
Some important information and statistics there, provided by the NHCOC research department.
Join up and help with the good work!
Praise James!
Keep up the good work!
And keep praising James!
Do you have any tips for aspiring gankers?
Join today for ganking fun!
Over halfway through April! Still not too late to join up in April!
Praise James! o7
Apart from praisingJames, I mean!
That’s what I said!
Woho, it is Friday! That means it is time for Friday Gangday Funfleet Night! Send in your application and join us for some Elite HiSec PvP!
Praise James!
How fun is HiSec mining? Let us ask this miner a few minutes after he was ganked (I will call him Gallant Miner to protect his identity, so he won’t suffer discrimination from other miners):
[ 2018.04.20 xx:xx:xx ] Gallant Miner > i also think that mining in hisec is boring as hell, you guys bring some animation, make miner talk to each others, interact, organize fleets
You heard it! Join NOL to start your fun HiSec experience.
do it!
Do it now!
I vouch for these lovely people
Keep up the good work <3
The importances of code is a odd thing to think about.
If it wasn’t for the CODE i would have quit this game ages ago. Keep up the good work my friends
Its more than just that, maybe its because of my runescape background.
But there is a problem with having a production based game while having a safe zone.
Without people like code the market would just fall out of wack.