No ambiance sounds (solved)

I have installed Eve Online through steam and I can hear Aura’s voice, music and UI sounds but no ambiance sounds such as when warping, shooting guns or mining lasers. How do I fix this?

Also, in order not to create another topic, am I allowed to control two characters at the same time if they are on different accounts and PCs? I couldn’t find this info in ToS.

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Legally, only if they’re both Omega accounts.

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Sound: After hitting Esc, you can manage the audio settings. Are there any values set to 0?
Accounts: No alpha account (should) work the same time as any other account on the same machine.

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Also a possible reason for no ambience sound is that if you zoom out you can’t hear the guns shooting but if you zoom in close you can hear the sound again.

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Troubleshooting that I’ve tried:
-Zooming in and out
-Changing display options (windowed or fullscreen)
-Disabling/enabling audio via audio settings and then restarting the game
-Uninstalling the game, deleting all Eve Online related folders in Documents and Steam folder
-Reinstalling the game.

I haven’t mention that I’ve downloaded the game from Steam. Next option I am trying now is to install the game directly from and logging in from that client.
I created a ticket anyway in case that doesn’t work. I hope they can figure something out.

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Yes, I checked the audio settings.

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try clearing cache then restarting game. It’s a cliche, but it does help a lot of problems with EvE.

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I solved it. I installed client directly from the website. I guess Steam’s client version is faulty.


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