No easter event?

its the easter weekend. no event happening???

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Eggs in space?
There was a whole month of Ramadan ignored as well. I am not sure why you would expect them to hold an event over every holiday on the calendar. Maybe May 1st they will do Uppstigningardagur for you? It just happens to coincide with Verkalýðsdagurinn.

Fly safe o7

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Would be cool that if you pod someone you get a small gift, preferably some memento thing that can’t be traded or contracted.

Something like, i don’t know, a frozen corpse?

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woah that bunny! what is he hiding behind the other hand?

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Maybe some Easter Eggs. :eyes: :smirk: :thinking:

The Hunt event has happened over Easter the past five or so years. They skipped it for some reason this year.

I was sort of half joking. However just to let everyone know, Easter is a BIG thing in Iceland, so I am somewhat surprised about it too. The vast majority of Iceland is Lutheran and they have a 5 day weekend from Thursday to Monday off. They all drink Easter beer and have a lamb dinner.

Meanwhile I know the month of Ramadan is ending somewhere about the first week of April. Not like there is much to base an Eve event on there. The standard practice is to fast and pray from sunrise to sunset and feast at night only for 30 days. Beside that it would most likely upset more people to have an event based on the holiday.

Maybe Cinco De Mayo? I don’t know if the French players would be keen on that one.

Fly safe o7

The Hunt not happening two years in a row, such a disappointment not being able to kill pods for the implants.

CCP should introduce a skill where you can autopsy corpses for the implants.

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although I like the idea of salvaging EVERYTHING, implants should not drop from corpses, but maybe some fragments taht can be combined into Antikythera or other implant ingredients

Some kind of event just started in the launcher…will only last for one day on April 1st it seems…reachable by the new icon on top:

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^ I thought that was an april fools joke, but its legit. there’s even a jukebox with discontinued music! (rebel radio) (listens to “Times of Sanguinity”)

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