NO LONGER FOR SALE - 2014 Clean Character low SP 790k - Cool Name & Look


Selling clean, fresh 4 years old character with 790,256 SP . Yours to train as you wish. Clean slate - it’s only been in NPC corps and it’s just been offline for the last 4 years.

Meet Pop Urcheery :scream:
Cool name, Cool Look :guardparrot:

Yearly remap available now + 2 BONUS remaps
Located In Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldary Navy Assembly Plant
No kill rights.
Positive wallet balance
No jump clones

Buyout - will consider any B/O offers :moneybag: :money_with_wings:
(it just needs to make some sense considering the cost of transfer)

Many thanks!

Cheers! :shufflefurtherparrot::shuffleparrot::shufflepartyparrot:

daily bump :shufflepartyparrot::shuffleparrot::shufflefurtherparrot:



:shufflepartyparrot::shuffleparrot::shufflefurtherparrot: :guardparrot:

:eyes: :guardparrot:




:point_right: :muscle:


50m offer

Thanks for the offer but the transfer fee alone is almost 3B !

50.1 million offer.

1 Like

we’re really getting there … just a bit slower than I hoped for :slight_smile: Make it a 50B and will be best buds :crossed_fingers:


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