No Trespassing Laws in Empire "Structure Suspect Mode"

Hello, everyone!

Wanted to talk about the idea of “structure suspect mode” allowing anyone to shot at this structure if it would attack you in empire or during a big fight between groups. This would mean allowing the full firepower in empire to be allowed, bombs etc, and more which are built into the structures for its defense mode.

I’m all about crazy ideas? Good or bad lets look at it.

Isn’t Empire space high-sec?

This would be correct.

no ! low sec is also empire space !


You can’t even use bombs in low sec, why would you think they should be able to be used in high…


This would be a stru patch not for bombs use from ships.

If they allow bombs, does the structure get concorded when it hits a neutral by mistake?


No, it would place the structure in suspect mode meaning anyone can shoot it.

I think this idea would be too problematic with the current structure mechanics.

Sounds like nothing more than a thinly-veiled reason to be able to attack a structure without owning one yourself or risking a wardec…


If a suspect shoots a neutral, that suspect gets concorded. If the neutral shoots you first, you can fire back because it creates a limited engagement, but if they don’t shoot you first and you hit them with anything, you’re toast. You have to set safety to red to use AoE weapons in highsec, like smartbombs, because they’ll get you concorded if you hit the wrong thing.

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Which is funny when two people duel in highsec using smartbombs for some odd reason (and near Jita 4-4 at that) and you maneuver yourself between them for comedic effect. :eyes: :innocent: :popcorn:

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