No Visual. Sov owning alliance looking for Corps


come join us to play ark and eve online!!!

Plenty of games to play and plenty of people to talk to! Come check us out!!!

We’re still here and still looking corps!!! :slight_smile:

so much content and so many rocks to mine!

We’re still here! Come see what we offer and come help us kill some no bueno people!

bump alliance still recruiting corps

big bump we looking for new members and corps to join us! come tell us what you wanna do and we can make it happen (terms and conditions apply)


want great benefits and fun? come join no visual we got everything you want

lorash gaming

garbit gaming


New fleets, new rocks, new members.

Come check us out and see what we can offer!

still looking for new members, come see what we got to offer

alliance still looking for new corps/members to join, come check us out!

rocks, building blocks and something that rhymes with -ock

come join us, we have cool people and cool ships

bumpty dumpty sat on the wall, bumpty dumpty had a great fall

bump, we still here

we’re not inactive we’re proactive