Find a new home with us in Impass as part of Legacy Coalition and make your own light with explosions of ships and pods and rocks oh my! Or just station spin if that’s your thing
The short:
We need people that we connect with. We’re a small band of pilots that even as people take breaks from EVE we still try to keep up over Discord. We’ve explored Lowsec, W-Space, Null and HS incursions. Curently we’re still with the excitement and content of sov null in Legacy coalition now in Impass.
You want content?
- Fun pvp roams - don’t worry you’ll get blown up some too
- Ratting availability - need some iskies shoot some rats with friends
- Mining / industry - help us keep supplies in stock and hulls rolling off the line for ship replacements and more
- CTAs
We’ve long been an industrial corp with a focus toward PvP. In part what this means is that our industry shifts with the demands of our alliance’s pvp.
Discord recruitement:
If no one home, just gvie a shout in the #welcome channel
US / EUTZ welcome