NULLSEC FOR RENT ***PURE BLIND *** well protected <50 jumps per 24h!

you have 18k kills as corp i have 25k on 1 acc :slight_smile:

You know, You’re contradicting your OP. 1/2 of your statements in the OP are contradicted with your responses to me.

OP Success.

SOV not safe, Hot Head Gate Camp Corp , Can’t guarantee you isk. you make no sense.

in 3 days in evictus you killed only bubble which couldn’t shoot you back and all loses Jesus :slight_smile:

they accepted you as miners or what are you there?

lee is man of word i told you pay or i will erase you from map

you didn’t pay now you ar ein south if i say Pure Blind is safe under me who have most kills in Pure Blind and mine corp as top corp then its safe :slight_smile:


You would know this if you ever left EWOK lol

You didn’t do anything… gal mil did it all…

Old School, claiming space they can’t hold, renting to noob corps that don’t know better, hiring mercs to enforce their big mouths while losing super capitals to noob traps. Sounds like a winning recruitment / sales campaign.

hiring mercs rofl

i was merc till you were learning mining lev 1

4 Likes hmmm says it all

what does it say that you killed entosis rapier with 2 carriers ? lol or what explain yourself?

Lol, look at your own killboards… every thing looks like that when you fight us. Except, we kill your carriers and fighters.

You drop carriers, we drop dreads… We win, you run. Happened all the time. lol.

thats funny, you like dropping supers on single cruisers and you complain about carrier drops?

anyway finishing any conversation with your guys i blocked entire corp in game so you dont spam me with standing changes and nonsense :slight_smile:

going to kill something you should try same before they boot you from that aly


You dropped on us, so we finished it.

Killboard doesn’t look so hot when you remove the gate camp fluff.

have fun sitting on your bubble in EWOK, such an elite PVPer.

I am pro elite mega super PvP player man


i think its hilarious u kids talking ■■■■ about LeeChanka. u wouldnt say this ■■■■ to him irl, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


hottest dudes hmmmm so hes a big gay bear :stuck_out_tongue:

not gonna lie, i actually have aids from olds

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