I been trying to go to this website for couple days and keep getting “this page cant be displayed”. anyone else having the same problem? Is the website still active?
Back after Battleclinic shut down I switched to Osmium but kept experiencing issues with it and finally just didn’t bother with it anymore.
Granted sites like that are great for browsing ship fits, giving a basic starting point for fit up. Now I usually just do a google search and pull up various fits for a specific ship, then use Pyfa with my character skills imported and tweak the fit until I get the best fit possible for my character.
worked for me right now
Yeah, looks like they got the issue fixed
Thank goodness. A few months ago they lost ally fits when they lost all progress for 6 months.
Is not working again.
Still Down
Still down…
Lastest update: Osmium is finally up. Time to share your fits and spend your hours on theorycrafting!
Good to hear that.
Hope it stays up and running for a long time.
Lol down again
Oh man, well that sux.
Yea I use that site alot for funsies. Hope it comes back and stays alive.
I learned a lot too. I enjoy browsing Osmium fittings and I feel like I’m a borg, adding their ships’ distinctiveness to my own.
now if only they would update it to current patch. Can’t find Loggerhead or Fighters on there. plus the stats are horribly out of date for alot of ships.
You know this kind of work requires time ?
If you want them to work for you … pay them ?
why pay for an already broken program when Pyfa is available?