August 13, 2019, 1:10pm
This one is actually even easier to achieve. Once fleet warp has been initiated, if you click “jump” while in the warp tunnel your ship will jump the gate almost instantly. This is a technique used when moving capitals via gate in order to avoid the bump-pocalypse that would ensue otherwise.
So the guy warping his fleet has the entirety of the warp tunnel to casually cycle through and hit jump on each of his accts. With 28+ catalysts even if it’s only 2 per second (a rather casual pace of your set up right) that still means only 14-15 seconds to issue the commands to all of them. Most warp tunnels (from the second you start accelerating to the second you decellerate are longer than that) but will still result in all ships jumping the gate within 1-2 server ticks of each other (As traffic control allows)
But what if they were all aligned to the gate as he was -10 and FacPol and he warped instantly and all jumped through at the same time a couple of seconds in all, tell me doesn’t that get your warning bells going a bit?