The fleet of gankers suspected of using input broadcasting

Oh, c’mon, we all know who is that makes up stuff here all the time, appears to not even be aware of the things he says, and projects his own shortcomings on others, hoping most other participants aren’t gonna bother check the facts:

See? I made that up, you did not say that, not in this thread, not in the other one, it’s all my imagination…

Very, very suspicious, indeed…

Nah, I bet it wasn’t, had to be input broadcasting… There was faction police there, remember?

Yeah, we all know how much you know too. Actually, this very sentence you just wrote there clearly shows it. It makes so much sense…

That I wasn’t there is the only thing you’ve said that’s correct and not a lie so far. See? That’s the difference, I do know when I wasn’t somewhere or didn’t see something.

Me… as per normal…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ROFL. And all those channels didn’t exist before me? They were all created because of me? And they needed to create several of them, one wasn’t enough? Wouldn’t just banning me from AG channel have been easier and more convenient? You’re not making up anything here again, are you? :rofl: :rofl:

Oh, c’mon. You know you should have never stopped ignoring me since I’m obviously able to keep track of the things you say much better than yourself and that’s a real problem for you…