Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

Moving this here as I feel we were going off of the original topic.

I’m just asking EDENCOM to explain the appearance of corruption. I’d greatly prefer for it to be simply a misunderstanding and to find out that EDENCOM was operating in a completely unbiased manner for the whole of the invasions. If EDENCOM released evidence of such, I’d be quite happy. Your trying to paint me as some wack-job conspiracy theorist when dealing with actual issues of apparent corruption that I saw in my extensive service to EDENCOM is ignorant at best and dishonest at worst.

All I’m asking is for whoever knows why there were suddenly no Gunstars outside of Imperial Space in the middle of the invasions to tell us. If it was coincidentally the fault of the other three empires somehow conspiring to pull and re-install them on the say days then so be it. That would still be a problem that should be pointed out and addressed despite not having been EDENCOM’s problem.

Many of us swallowed our pride and worked with and supported EDENCOM despite the appearance of corruption. People like myself and many others put in hundreds of hours in empires that are not even our homes and though I don’t regret any of it, I do feel that we deserve answers as to why some of these problems happened and assurances that they will be avoided should we have a similar situation happen again in the future.